Monday, August 8, 2011

Part 2: Let Go, Let God...

It's 8 something in the morning. I'm somewhat half sleep...Since I got a great response from the first post, there was something I wanted to share with everyone. The other day, I was reading one of the lesson plans on the Bible app I have on my iPhone. It's called YouVersion. I know this app is compatible for iPhone & BlackBerry users. It's free, so check it out! It maybe available for other phones as well.

Back to the post...I was reading Day 140 of the plan which is Life Application. It said:
God's messenger described a time of trial when even wise believers may stumble. This could mean (1) falling into sin, (2) being fearful and losing faith, (3) mistakenly following wrong teaching, or (4) experiencing severe suffering & martyrdom. If we preserve in our faith, any such experience will ONLY refine us and make us stronger. Are you facing trials? Recognize them as opportunities to strengthen your faith. If we remain steadfast in these experiences, we will be stronger in OUR faith & closer to God.
It then gives you a scripture at the end -Daniel 11:35

I knew I had to share this with you all. I also needed to write this down somewhere for myself. It def. moved me. Time & time again I tell myself "Ashley, use this time wisely. Use this time to get closer to God". I mean, the main important part is having a relationship with him, & serving him. It's always great to tell others what He's done for us. I hope this was helpful to someone :)

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