Friday, January 18, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Reaching Out to Others

I have been amazed by the countless calls our ministry has received during the years to help churches become more outreach-oriented. Then, when helps is offered, people exert a minimal amount of effort to continue what God places as a top priority.

Reaching out to others isn't something we should pay lip service to. It should be a top priority of living the Christian life.

It takes determination and commitment to stretch ourselves to help others, but that's how God wants us to live. God says that when you truly give and pour yourself out for others, He will use you. "Your light shall dawn in the darkness and your darkness shall be as the noonday" (Isaiah 58:10 NKJV).

If you reach beyond your  own situation and bring Christ's love to others, the circumstances you face will fade away and disappear. And you'll experience the wondrous joy of making a difference where it counts.

What if you decide to change, to make this the time in your life when you make a difference? Rearrange your priorities today and reach out to others.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Joyce Meyer: God Opens and Shuts Doors

There are critical times in our lives when we especially need to know we are hearing clearly from God. It isn't always easy to know His voice from that of our own emotional reasoning. but I know from experience that God can open doors of opportunity that no one can close, and He can also close doors we cannot open.

I spent many years trying to organize things I wanted to do in life. The result was frustration and disappointment. But I found that if we depend on God, He will give us favor and make things easy for us when we seek Him and His perfect timing, He leads one step at a time. If you take one step forward in the wrong direction, He will let you know before you go too far.

Be aware that His thoughts are above your thoughts. He sees the end from the beginning. All His ways are right and sure. he knows what makes sense for your life and He can make it happen. Hear from Him and you will not be deceived. 

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Don't Be Busy. Be Fruitful

Are you doing 'stuff' that isn't bearing fruit? Is busyness stealing your peace?
I once heard of a guard who watched over a certain plot of ground at Buckingham Palace in England. For 100 years, 24 hours a day, that plot of land had been guarded.

Finally, someone asked, 'What are you guarding?' He didn't know and simply said it had been under guard for 100 years.

It turned out that 100 years ago, the queen had planted some rose bushes there and wanted to make sure they grew. Now, a century later, a guard stood where a rose bush once stood guarding nothing.

Are there things you're doing but you don't know why you're doing them anymore? God never called us to be busy. He called us to be fruitful. Too much pointless activity doesn't bear fruit and only stresses us out.

I encourage you to take an inventory of what you do throughout the day. You might be doing something God's not asking you to do, or something He was asking you to do but isn't anymore. Let the Holy Spirit show you how to get rid of busyness and bear more fruit.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Who Does God Use?

God's chosen me to speak to crowds. People listen to me because God has anointed me to speak for Him, it's part of His destiny for my life. And God will anoint whomever He chooses to work through. That includes you.

Who does God use? The Bible says that He picks the unlikely. He uses common, ordinary people like you &  me.

When I started to preach the Gospel, some of my friends rejected me, they didn't think I should do that because I'm a woman. In fact, they told me I couldn't do that,

But I was doing it because God told me to do it, & I trusted that if He told me I could do it, then I could do it. The same thing is true for you. If you are willing to have an uncommon goal, God can do something great through you!

Every common person can be used mightily by God. You just have to believe He can use you & be daring enough to embrace the goals or vision He put in your heart. You have been chosen.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Giving Must Cost You Something...

I believe that in God's economy, nothing cheap is worth having. God gave His only Son to free us, & while we can never equal that sacrifice, we must give back to Him in a way that means something. King David said he would not give God something that cost him nothing. And I have learned that true giving is not giving until I can feel it.

Giving away the clothes & household items I'm finished with may be a nice gesture, but it doesn't equal real giving. Real giving occurs when I give somebody something I want to keep.

I'm sure you've had those testing times when God asks you to give away something you like. But when you consider how He gave His only son for us because of His love for us, doesn't that make you want to give yourself too?

The simple truth is this: We must give to be happy, & giving is not true giving if doesn't cost us something.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Friday, January 4, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar: Take a Shot For Me...

Below are a few ways to use apple cider vinegar...
I myself, I use it more so on my natural hair. It does wonders for my hair as far as shine, and softness.
I use to take one shot or 2 tablespoons of this to speed up my metabolism. Haven't done it in awhile.
Check out the many benefits for apple cider vinegar & get started!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Learn to Forgive Like Jesus...

I once heard about a teenager who was drinking & caused an accident that killed a man's wife & child. The man knew God wanted him to forgive the young man who caused the accident, & through much prayer he was able to let the love of God flow through him.

That man knew how to forgive like Jesus. He understood that this young man was also hurt himself & needed healing.

When people hurt us, we should learn to look at what people have done to themselves instead of just looking at what they have done to us. Usually, when a person hurts someone else, he's probably hurting himself at least as much & is suffering some fallout as a result. That's why, as He hung on the cross in agony, Jesus said to His murders, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.'

That's  incredible forgiveness. Let that inspire you today. We still need to seek to forgive like Jesus.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life