Saturday, September 29, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Speak God's Word to the Mountain

When Jesus said that we are to speak to the mountain, commanding it to be lifted up & thrown into the sea, He was making a radical statement.

See, we usually talk about the "mountains," or challenges, in our lives, but God's Word instructs us to talk to them. And when we do, we must respond to them with the Word of God.

In Luke 4, when Satan was trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, the Lord responded to every trial by speaking Scripture. He repeatedly quoted verses that met the lies & deceptions of the devil head-on.

We have a tendency to try this for awhile, but when we do not see quick results, we stop speaking the Word to our problems & begin once again to speak our feelings. Persistence is a vital link to obtaining victory.

Constantly speaking the Word is powerful & absolutely necessary in overcoming any problem or negative situation. Know what you believe & be determined to stick with it to the end.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Walk With Christ...Renewed!

Although I've made big steps toward my relationship with God in the past month & some weeks. I can say I don't miss the old me. The old me worried a lot, super tired, depended on others at times, wasn't fully happy, always put others before herself, ashamed & the list goes on.

I am now at peace & loving every step with the Lord. I'm not saying I'm HOLY, but I do take my relationship & walk with God seriously. I now have a better support system, better outlook on my life, & awesome goals.

I just feel so much better about life. I've literally mailed off baggage that was holding me down & back. I felt like I had unfinished business when it came to certain people in my life that I just needed to let go. It was so hard, but it was needed. What made me realize this part of my life was a singles fellowship I attended that my church family had the beginning of this month. It made revaulate my life, the things I let guys get away with, and how available I made myself to others. We just need to NOT be so available sometimes. Get busy!

Well I'm busy alright. With work, reading my Bible & plans, weekly meetings with my friend which we hold one another accountable for certain things, bible study, morning Sunday service, daily reading (leisure).

The way I have gotten through my weeks, and had a change in things is by me:
Repenting, adjusting, minimazie noise, maximize prayer, sit in silence & listen to God.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Joyce Meyer: How to Develop Your Gifts

People ask me all the time how to discover & develop the gifts God has given them. Here are a few helpful steps that I've discovered:

1. Focus on the strengths God gave you. Concentrating on your strengths will help you fulfill the calling God has out on your life.

2. Exercise your gift. Find something you like to do & that you do well, & do it over & over again. Want to know what will happen? You will feel better about yourself because you won't be constantly failing.

3. Have the courage to be different. Unhappiness comes when you try to be like everyone else rather than embracing the unique person that you are.

4. Learn to cope with criticism. Have enough confidence in who you are in Christ that you can listen to others & be open to change without feeling you have to agree with their viewpoint or attain their approval.

God has planted greatness in you. Let today be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts He's given you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Walk With Christ... Practicing Repenting.

A lot of don't think of this step when pursuing a relationship with God. But it's an important one. We must repent the things we once did. What things you may ask? Drinking, cursing, cheating, lying, stealing, masturbation etc. Repenting your sins doesn't mean "Oh, I'll repent my sins today, & if I slip up, I can always comes back to the Lord & repent again." You must NOT follow back into those ways.

Think: Think about the many blessings you may have missed out on? What goodness you got out of that sin?

When we repent to God we must do so & leave it in the past, but most importantly forgive yourself for it. Don't hold on to it. It's in the past. Lying, misleading, fear, infidelity, drinking etc. Finally make the decision that will turn your life around & show God that you're ready. He's usually always waiting on us to get out of our own way most of the time. I believe that what I've repent is in the past & I will not go back to my old ways. We tend blame our flesh which is most of it, but we must take the responsibility as well.
Don't believe what others may tell you...
"Why are you trying to turn your life around, you're too old"
"You've done too much dirt to want to act right"
"He won't forgive you!"
They are a lie. The devil is a lie!
He comes in many forms folks...don't fall for it

- Acts 3:19

Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Hair Regimen: NO To Breakage...

So0o0 my hair has me on punishment. All that careless care with my hair has caught up with me. I can't help but laugh & shake my head. Its nothing new when I say I dont really like my natural hair. The texture is fine. It's just the detangling process that get's on my nerves. And of course that's the MOST important part unfortunately. And I didn't have the patience to really give it the proper TLC when it comes to detangling. Taking the proper steps before washing it, after it's washed etc. I do well with keeping my hair clean, moisturized, styled & everything else except stupid detangling.

So I've done some research to see what I could use & how to take another route when it comes to this situation.

New regimen:

-finger comb hair
-pre-poo before washing hair
-don't use a Denman brush to detangle (only when doing wash n go's to define curls, which I don't do)
-use coconut oil (when taking down braids when hair is dry for easier take down.

How I knew I had breakage: 

When I straightened the front part of my hair last weekend I noticed I had way too many fly aways (the hair wasn't even or laying down, different lengths). I was so0o0oo0 mad. This had to happen recently because I've been straighening my hair for the past few months. I know I don't do a great job detangling but it wasn't THIS BAD before!

If you have any other questions regarding anything in this post, just leave a comment below & I'll answer it as soon as I can...welp, about to go work on my head :(

Ps. there's a BIG difference between breakage & shedding. They are not the same folks.
And no my hair breakage isn't from heat, or heat damage....

**If you're interested in the products & a break down of my new hair regimen, stay tuned for my next hair post this week**

Thankful Week: Embracing everyday

-Being able to purchase things that I need & want
-God stepping in & putting a hold of certain things
-Random inspiration
-Not having yes people in my life
-A clean house 
-Gog giving me strength through a breakup
-Not giving up!

Hashtag #TANThankfulWeek on Twitter & Instagram
Or blog about it...
What is it you're thankful for? Share away or link me to your post...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Real Love - the Energy of Life!

Love is the energy of life. It's what motivates people to get up each day & keep going. It gives life purpose & meaning.

People often have times in their lives when they believe they are unloved or have no one to love. They develop this mindset because they are looking for fulliment in ways that seem good at first but often leave them feeling frustarted, disappointed & empty inside.

Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever look for love & end up feeling unfulfilled? Let me ask you this: What kind of love are you pursuing?

You may be looking for love, but really, you're looking for God, because He is love. Any love you gain that is disconnected from God is not really love & will leave unfulfilled.

The Bible says that in Him we live, move, & have our being. That tells me that without Him, life is not complete.

Everyone is looking for love, but are you looking for God's love? It's the only love that matters, the only love that lasts, & the only love that fulfills.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Mastery of Love...Practice Love!!!

If you read my blog post yesterday regarding love by Joyce Meyer's, then this piece (quote) from one of my favorite books The Mastery if Love may ring a bell....

"The only way to master love is to practice love. You don't need to justify your love, you don't need to explain your love, you just need to practice your love. Practice creates the master."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Give a Love That Liberates

Love is liberating. It provides a sense of belonging & sense of freedom. Love does not try to control or manipulate others or reach fulfillment through the destiny of others.

Jesus said that He was sent by God to proclaim liberty. As believers, that is what we are meant to do also, to free people to fulfill God's will for their lives, not to bring them under our control.

I have discovered that trying to make people do what I want them to do closes the door for God to speak to their hearts. We need to release the people in our lives to be all they can be for God's glory, not our own.

Set people free & they will love you for it. Don't be manipulative. Instead, learn to let God be in control of their lives.

A person who has great love is one who is able to release people & things. Today, don't be a person who controls, but one who freely gives the liberating love that comes from God.

I highly suggest you read The Mastery of Love. It's a great book & great perspective on love & how we should look at it. The words Joyce speaks here, reminds me of that book. Check it out!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thankful Week: The Little things...

I got this idea from a blogger by the name of Erin over at Sweetness Itself. I saw someone "like" one of her photos on Instagram & checked it out. She shared what she was thankful for by snapping a photo of her notebook. I thought that was cool. 

My handwriting isn't the best so I'll be typing what I'm thankful for this week via here my blog....

-I'm thankful for my mother still being around
-Having awesome co-workers
-Being able to walk on my own
-Not being severely ill & in the hospital
-Having a car to get me where I need to go
-Being blessed in order to be a blessing to others
-Having testimonies to share with others
-Being able to read
-A roof over my head
-Great support system
-For God loving ME as I am
-HIM never giving up on me
-My strength

What is it you're thankful for? Share away or link me to your post...

The Mastery of Love....Be Accountable For YOUR Own Happiness

The title of this post may seem like "a no-brainer" but it's not for majority of the human population. Not because we're not smart, it's just something we at times feel others have the obligation in doing so. 
Talking about it out loud makes sense, but in your mind days ago, months ago, years ago you were looking for a certain someone to fulfill your happiness. When in fact that's OUR job. We have got take ownership about HAPPINESS people! In my Iyanla Vanzant  ::voice:: "Call a thing a thing people!!!" If you don't know where I got that from, watch her show on OWN Fix My Life.
One major thing that I learned from the book The Mastery of Love is that we must be responsible for our part. Our part being whatever we give. Us. Our happiness
You should never put such great responsibility on others to make YOU happy. 

I leave you with this quote from the book...
"If you take your happiness & put it in someone's hands, sooner or later, (s)he is going to break it. If you give your happiness to someone else, (s)he can always take it away. Then if happiness can only come from inside of you & is the result of your love, you are responsible for our own happiness"

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award!!!!

1. Thank the blogger that nominated me
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself
3. Nominate 15 bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
4. Let nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated

Thank Yous:

I would like to thank Emprezz over at Ghanaian Emprezz for first off following my blog & checking out my posts. Thank you for nomintaing me for this award. I am honored.

Seven random facts about me:

-I've been blogging for 3 years+
-I'm the only child
-I was a preemie baby
-I love hand bags
-I polish my nails/toes every week
-I look younger than my age (so people have said).
-I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee corn bread!


Ps. If you weren't picked, please don't be offended it's nothing personal. If you're a fairly new blogger & follow me, leave a comment below with your blog link. 


Joyce Meyer: God Has a Great Plan Just for You!

We need to refrain from comparing ourselves to anyone else because God doesn't want us to be frustrated & feel unworthy of the blessings He desires to give us.

Comparing our lives with other people's lives is unfair, to them & to us. It's unfair to them because if we become jealous of what they have, what they know, how they look, etc., we start to resent them. Then we can no longer appreciate them as the wonderful person God made them to be.

It's unfair to us because it limits God's plan for our lives. Comparison says to God, "I want to limit Your work in my life to this & nothing else. I just want to be like this other person."

But God has an individual plan for each of us. His plan for you is greater than you could possibly imagine. Stop looking at His plans for others so you can walk in the plans He has for you & receive the blessings they bring.

 I'd like to mention that MANY of us have probably done this before. It's a BAD habit that must be broken quick! Let's not settle for what we want. God has bigger plans for us ALL. Don't fall into what others are doing, what they have, where their going etc... Lets remember, we need to stay in our own lane, stay focus & be prepared when our blessings arrive.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Working On My Fitness: Counting Calories?

This will be short & straight to the point. 
Maybe a few weeks before I went back to work, I was counting my calories...How you ask?
With the app on iPhone My Fitness Pal
where you can check in via laptop or phone through an app.
This app will help you count your calories & meet a certain weight goal by doing so...
I've fallen off because I'm not big on counting calories & punching in & finding out what everything is etc....
It may work for you...check it out

Check out previous work outs I did below...
(work out videos via Youtube)
(work out videos via Youtube)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

1 Unhealthy Snack Can Equal 5 Healthy Snacks....

If you're counting calories & trying to watch what you eat...Here's a little reminder, or how you could look at junk food VS. healthy snacks
We can make better choices with a little help :)

Let's Get Into It..."Fix My Life" Iyanla Vanzant

I was introduced to Iyanla when she had her first show on ABC called Starting Over & she was a life coach...

Every since I seen her on TV helping people & their lives I wanted to become a life coach, & still kind of do....

Anywho, I want to let you ALL know that her show airs on OWN this week Sept. 15th @ 10PM central time & it's called Fix MyLife
She sits down with Evelyn from Basketball wives this season...
Good stuff coming soon :)
Cant wait....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[Video] 3 Reasons Why You Can't Get or Keep a Man...

PDub aka Willie Moore Jr. speaks the truth in his videos.
Watch it & leave a comment below...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Accept the Right Thoughts

As Christians, we can't accept every thought that comes into our heads. Instead, we need to measure each thought against the standard of Scripture.

Here's a practical example: If someone hurts your feelings, you shouldn't remain upset with them for days on end. That only gives Satan the opportunity to plant seeds of bitterness.

Instead, you need to reject negative thinking & refuse to let it drain you of your peace & joy.

You must turn to God & say, "Father, I need Your strength. By faith I choose to receive Your grace so that I may forgive those who mistreated or wronged me. I ask You to bless them & help me go on with my life. In Jesus name, amen."

As our minds are renewed with God's Word, our thinking will change & line up with Scripture. Then, day by day, godly boundaries around our thoughts will be established & reinforced. These limits will not only keep out the deceptions of the enemy, but help you live a more enjoyable godly life.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Walk With Christ...Cleaning House.

I've been MIA when it comes to me sharing what's the "tea" with me. Whether it's fitness related, life, or relationships. Welp, one reason is that I've been focusing on my mentoring program (MYGirls). The other reason being that I've been putting in more time & focusing on my relationship with God. Looking for a new church, making adult decisions, etc.

I recently attended a single nights fellowship a week ago that was super informational & fun. It was nice to be around a group of women who wanted the same things I did. But also had a past. We all do. No one is perfect. Not even a Christian! It was cool because I didn't feel like an outsider, or that I would be judged.

I bring that up because, I recently closed a chapter in my life that I've left open for those "rainy days". I mentioned something similar a year or so ago in the blog post The Little Black (Back Up) Book. But in this case, I was dealing with material possessions that had memories from my past. We think we're putting something behind us, when we're still in fact holding on to a few things that WE need to let go!

I was holding on to something from the past. Something that no longer existed, but still had a place in my life/heart. It's funny that many of us want, want, want, but we're the main reason why we don't see these things manifest. We get upset with God..LETS BE HONEST...we get upset with God & wonder what's the hold up...

You want that God fearing mate, that will love you for YOU, but you're holding on to your past relationship(s). How can you make room for the new, & you're holding on to the old (past)?

You want that awesome new job, but you're not doing anything to PREPARE for it?

You want new clothes, but you still have clothing in your drawers & closet full of clothes that you can no longer fit, or wear.

Make room for what it is you WANT, & stand firm into believing you will receive it!

"You can pray for anything, & if you have faith, you will receive it." - Matthew 21:22

Friday, September 7, 2012

Share Your Testimony: It Can Help Others

"Don't be selfish with your testimony, many lives depend on your message." -PDub
Great message...

Joyce Meyer: Increase Your Self-Acceptance

You may not think highly of yourself, but God wants you to like who you are. Here are 5 practical tips to help increase your self-acceptance & improve your opinion of yourself:

1. Never speak negatively about yourself. The communication of your faith is made effectual by acknowledging every good thing in you through Christ Jesus, not by focusing on the wrong.

2. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Peter encountered this obstacle when he compared himself to another disciple. He said, "Lord, what about this man? Jesus replied, If I want him to stay (survive, live) until I come, what is that to you?..." (John 21:21-22 AMP). We are not called to compare, only to comply.

3. Let God determine your worth. Remember that you have already been accepted by God.

4. Keep your flaws in perspective. It's ok to see where you want to improve, but make sure you appreciate your progress.

5. Discover the true source of confidence. If you place your confidence in God, you can't help but have a healthy attitude. Do your best, & leave the results to Him.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Dealing with Disappointment

Many Christians are lying along the roadside of life devastated because they have not learned how to deal with disappointment, but it's not God's will for you to live a disappointed, devastated or oppressed life today, or any day.

Part of Jesus' earthly ministry was to go about in the anointing of the Holy Spirit & deliver all those who were oppressed by the devil. Disappointed people everywhere found new hope when they encountered the power of Jesus. The same power is available to us today.

Use that power to defend yourself against disappointed by focusing on God, meditating on His promises, confessing His Word, & submitting yourself & your situation to Him in prayer. Through Jesus, you can fight the enemy's attempts to weigh you down rebuking him so that he can't destroy you.

When the devil makes one move toward you, keep yourself so spiritually tuned in that you can discern what he is trying to do & then back him down. With the power Jesus made available to you, he has no choice but to run.