Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Where I'm At Now...

I started working out Sunday afternoon. I said I was going to get back to shredding "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred", but I've had a change of heart with that work out DVD right now. I'm still working out with Jillian, but I'm now working out to her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism work out DVD. It says you could "Lose up to 5 pounds a week", of course if you're working out to it often!

Although where I work I do a lot of walking, I find cardio helps me lose weight  & it's more fun for me, so this DVD will come in handy. I like doing aerobics, so on my LAZY days I plan on doing my own personal dance aerobics for 10+ minutes. I tend to be too tired to want to work out on the days I work Mon-Fri. So on the weekends I plan on working out with Jillian twice a day IF possible.

The DVD is 57mins long & has 8-7 circuits. As you can tell above, I purchased it for $5 at Big Lots...Each circuit is 5-6mins long. So it really gives you the option to stop & pick back up from the circuit you left on. Love it! As I stated before I plan on doing this DVD only on the weekends/or certain weekdays that I feel I can do this, otherwise I'll be working out/stretching 10+ minutes a day. I need to get something in each day.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spiritually, Emotionally, & Physically Unbalanced...Time To Cleanse!

Good afternoon everyone!

I didn't plan on blogging over this way today, but I needed to vent/blog about this. I've decided to go on Spiritual Cleanse which will rebuild me emotionally & physically. What this cleanse consist of is...

1. Stepping away from Twitter. More so my personal twitter page
2. Jump starting my work out again (That I started & fell off many times)
3. Meditating- Reading the word, and writing more (I always seem to find my way back in situations where I'm just feeling "blah")

I'm starting the Spiritual Cleanse today and the weekend "detox" this weekend (1/21). I believe in myself, but I'm not brave enough to do both at the same time. Also, I need to stock up on fresh fruits & veggies for the detox. I need to invest in a great juicer as well....ANYONE know of a decent priced juicers you've used or heard about? 

For more information *& where I'm getting my info from* on the
Spiritual Cleanse, check that out HERE
Homemade Detox (Body cleansing) HERE

Hopefully this week will get me back on track with the many tasks I need to complete, and feeling healthier all around. At the end of the day, it's HIM...God that will get me through it all :)

Product Review: Bigen Hair Color

Product: Bigen Permanent Hair Color
Purchased from: Sally Beauty Supply
Price: $6.49 plus tax
Size: 0.21 Oz.
Color: #59 in Oriental Black

About the  product: It's Ammonia free, no Hydrogen Peroxide required! Awesome right? It's a permanent powder hair color. 
What it comes with: 
This small bottle is what the hair color powder comes in.
I have thick hair, 2 bottles would have worked for my hair.
But since, I don't wear ALL of my hair out (Just the front) it was fine.
I did apply it all over my head as much as I could, but focused on the front part.
The clear plastic container is used as a measuring system

Mixing process: You need to use a non-metallic bowl to mix the Bigen Powder & "room temperature TAP WATER" together in. 1)Pour the powder in bowl first, then the tap water, & mix.
Views/opinions: I don't think I'll use any other brand for awhile when it comes to permanent hair color. When it's time for a touch up, I'll be using a rinse out just because it wont be as harsh & no need to apply permanent hair color to my hair AGAIN (More info & reason why in another post). I did notice Walmart has this hair color as well for $4 something. But they didn't have the popular color "Oriental black" nor a big variety when I saw it. I never knew they carried it.
Overall I love this hair color, it got the job done. My hair was super black (how I wanted it). I would recommend this to anyone looking for a product that's going to do what it's suppose to do!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Favorite Posts of The Week Are...

This was so random, & these are the few bloggers I thought I should share this weekend... The title/link of their post will take you directly to the post that is 1 of my faves from them
Check them out :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Yup, this will be quick. I'm doing more than one thing at once right now, plus I need to prepare for a conference call. But any who
We made it another year. If anything, I'm thankful for that.

I'll be starting a clear skin challenge on my beauty blog
Working out again... 30 day Shred
And I was thinking about doing another hair challenge as well. I think that'll be too much right now though.
I may just wait till summer time when I'll need the most TLC for my natural hair.
I do plan on going on a fast. I did this the beginning mid-2011
I feel so cluttered & a bit overwhelmed about up coming projects & decisions.
All in all, I'll be praying about it.
Speaking of prayer, I need to buy a new journal.
I usually use it to write down my thoughts of course, prayers, and things of that nature.

I'm going to try my best to get back to blogging over here. 
With work & trying to maintain a somewhat healthy life, it gets hard.