Sunday, February 13, 2011

Old Post: Males that don't state their relationship status on social network sites


Hey GlamDolls,

So I just recently participated in a Facebook conversation regarding relationship issues. And one that I want to touch on in this post is why guys don't clarify on their profiles (Facebook, Myspace...Etc) that there in a relationship?! What is up with that? I think I touched on this issue in a past post, but it's been on my mind lately, so I wanted to discuss it once again.
You usually see the girl identifying that she's in a relationship. Most of the time you can usually tell by their relationship status, pictures, and updated statuses about how much they adore they're boyfriend & blah blah blah. It's never really the other way around. Why not?

I've heard all sorts of excuses from guys. One being that "It's not that serious", "I'm barely on there so why does it matter?", and the last excuse being that "They know I'm in a relationship".

Wait! Hold on a second. What's not that serious?

-Would it no longer be that serious if you were no longer in that relationship? Would it no longer be serious if she no longer did sweet things for you? Would it NOT be that serious if there was NO sex involved!?

-Hmmm, or wait you're barely on your profile you stated? Hmm, you have recent comments from people, and change of status as to you going out with friends, updated pictures of you and other people, but you're never on right? Okay.

You mention that "They know? Who knows you're in a relationship? We get mad when people assume something because 9/10 it's wrong, so why not state you're clearly taken?

So it all adds up. Guys don't want to lose their female fan base. They want to have these "friendships" on the side, or possible have a chance to mess around (not all guys). I find it REALLY funny that guys have a problem with committing and accepting things that come along with a relationship. And no, the issue of the relationship status isn't about trust issues; it's about letting it be known you're with someone! What's so hard about that? If you want to be single fellas don't string us females along, and don't jump into a relationship!

It's not a big deal for every female, but it makes you think. What is he trying to hide? And even when you bring up the fact that it may bother you, they may brush it off like there's nothing for you to worry about. Let's not be naive ladies, because you never really know what his motives maybe.

Let me know your views on the issue!

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