Friday, April 22, 2011

Update: Closing A Chapter & New Beginnings

Here's a little update on me...This week started off really rocky. Sunday night I was feeling so down, & all I could think about was my dad. How much I wish he was here. How much I wish I could take flowers to his mausoleum etc. The next morning I meditated and talked to God. I was so eager to find his obituary. & come to find out it, that Sunday was his death anniversary. Why isn't that something I know right off top you ask? I just don't. Like I mentioned in my last post, I am now able to deal with things I wasn't able to deal with 6+ years ago. Anyways, so I was glad I was able to confront that situation. 
Affirmations: I need to start back on focusing on two positive affirmations about myself a week. I've been slacking because I haven't been writing them down.

Also, I'm coming to an end for Lent (Sunday). I'm super proud of myself. This journey has been something else. I won't share all of the details because it's between me & God. But it was an interesting experience indeed.

Random tweet: So I saw this tweet that one of my followers had retweeded that described a blog post I did called "Once You're Down, Aint Nobody Around"
The tweet was: "Fake friends are like shadows, always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour"
How about that?

On to Health: Looking into joining a 30 day challenge that I can do at home. I do well when participating in challenges, so I'm back on my work out grind.

I'll be starting a 6 month hair growth for my natural hair journey. Super duper excited about this. I've been natural/transitioning for 9 months. No perms for me! & no shade to those that use them. With this challenge, I'll be more on top of things when it comes to maintaining length and a regimen.


  1. I love this post! So proud of you accomplishing your Lent goal! YAY! It is always so sweet to spend some much needed time with the Lord. I love that tweet. It is so true! I am going on a challenge too. I want to lose 50lbs!! My husband is going to help me with this. I love natural hair. I don't care if you only have 1/2 inch of hair...ROCK IT!! I can't wait to see your new hair! Thank you for your sweet comments. Happy Easter! HE LIVES!! Kiah

  2. I'm so late in responding, but you know I adore you Kiah :)


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