Thursday, April 28, 2011

Continue To Do Good: Speaks Volumes

"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."-Galatians 6:9

This scripture really touched me.

Because I started to think, "Why should I continue doing the right thing, treating people how I want to be treated, seeking out to help others?" 
This tends to cross my mind every so often, but since my Down Time: Me time, it's been heavy on my heart. All the good I do, only for people to forget, overlook, or criticize it. As the scripture says "...At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."

I believe this is true. I'm not going to lie, I do get tired of doing the right thing only to be forgotten, and things of that nature. All I can do it pray about it.


  1. Sometimes as we continue to walk faithful to God's Word day after day after day we get weary in our minds and begin to think that we are alone in our commitment and that we are not getting any results. God reminds us in His wonderful Word that He is our strength. He is always with us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us and He will reward us for continuing faithful to His Word.
    If we trust in our own strength and ability to continue "well doing" we shall surely faint. By looking to God, who is our strength, we will not only find the might to continue but we will soar like the eagles. Stay encouraged in the Lord. Do not give up doing what's good. For the Lord sees your faithfulness and great is your reward in heaven!! Kiah

  2. I'm going to get that book. I feel the same exact same way, and i understand completely where you are coming from.

  3. @Kiah-thanks. You always seem to know the right things to say.

    @Destined I'm glad someone does.


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