Tuesday, December 27, 2011

No Settling In 2012!!!!

I don't know what it is...I mean I do.
I'm an Aquarius, I'm too kind & extremely sweet!
I give chances, but NOT chances after CHANCES.

When I love...yes as cliche as it may sound...I love HARD
Love in a relationship didn't tap me on the shoulder until I was 21...a great age if I say so myself.
Late bloomer? Yeah maybe so...
Unlike most...I date or get into relationships with a guy that I see a potential future with.
Are we always right? Nope!
But I'm not that girl that dates because it's convenient, because I'm lonely, or because I want someone to cater to me. No!

I do love feeling appreciated.

I'm tired of giving something so precious.
My feelings, which comes from the heart.
I feel like round 2 of what was love is on its way once it hits 2012
I refuse to go for a 3rd round.

9/10 when you believe you deserve more, you're right!
It's your conscious or that "little person" speaking to you.
I listen to it majority of the time, but I'm not perfect.
So, if you know you deserve much more than what you're getting now...
That's when change needs start happening.
Nothing can CHANGE without work=action
So yes...as I start to reflect on 2011 & it comes to an end, I'm putting my foot down & taking action NOW. Not later...

Later is when you think or hope things will get better. 
My theory is if it didn't happen or occur the first time around, it wasn't meant to be. Forcing something that isn't there is like trying to fit a circle puzzle piece into a square.
You CAN'T!

Woo0o0o0o-sah ::rubs ears::
[photo from: Rah xephon]

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In Need of Wrapping Paper: GREAT CAUSE

As some of you may know, I started my mentoring program for girls early this year.

My board members & I have decided to host our very 1st Annual Holiday Clothes Drive in my community this weekend...
We will be giving away women,men, & kids clothing...shoes etc.
Each item will be wrapped with love & care :)

As we are NOT a non profit organization yet, receiving grants is out the question.
If you would like to make a small donation for wrapping paper, please check out the link for more information on our official site:

or you can click the button
Your donation is appreciated!

Thank you....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Reminising...Christmas Gifts

Two years ago I presented someone dear to me with a personalized chain for Christmas
Till this day he sports that chain...
I'm glad my gift is still being used/worn till this day..
Means a lot to me.
Something small can mean so much :)
Check out the site Things Remebered
For Christmas gifts (for everyone) for anytime throughout the year

Friday, December 2, 2011

YES, I'm Still Working On My Fitness...Thanks Jillian

The beginning of November I purchased a DVD that was very popular when I was apart of this fitness group back in January. It's called the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. Although I haven't been on the message board in 3-4 months, I still keep in touch with a few of the ladies that are/were apart of the group. One chica I follow encouraged me to start the 30 Day Shred, and I've been contemplating for awhile. one reason being is, when the ladies would work out at a set time (from stat-to-state) they would mention how sore they were, and how difficult some of the work outs were. So that made me shine it away. Not a good reason...I know.

I said what the heck let me get it. I'm not able to hit the gym like I want to (4-5 days a week). I must say this was a great idea/purchase. I thanked her for having my back & encouraging to go ahead & purchase this DVD.  It has three different levels of work outs. They're approx. 2-25 minutes each. You need weights & a mat (if you choose). I don't use a mat, nor weights. I use water bottles, or you can use canned goods.
[Photo: I'm starting to see a difference in my waist, super happy about that]
I'll also be starting another work out DVD after I'm done with the 30 Day Shred. I'm on Day 9. I had stopped working out the week of Thanksgiving because I was doing a lot of running around & working (retail) & I didn't want to be sore & annoyed as I'm trying to get work done. But other than that, I haven't missed any days. But trust me, there are days where I'm like "I'm too tired & sleepy", or "I'll just skip this day"...My support system is strong & I thank them for that :)

Question: What are you doing to stay in shape? Don't allow the holidays to be your crutches on why you're not doing what's right for you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Random: Thank You...More Followers?

Hello beautiful people! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has left a comment, read my blog posts, & followed. When I started this blog the beginning of this year, I wasn't expecting people to follow nor find it interesting.

The purpose of me starting this blog at the time, was more so an outlet to vent about certain things. I never though anyone or more than one person could relate to what I blogged about here. It's crazy how a new year will be approaching us soon. My life has had its ups & downs this year. I never thought I would be where I am today this year. I'm in a better place & at peace with quit a few things. I have accomplished so much is what seems like in a short period of time. I'm super duper blessed. & I don't say this to brag because I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but I don't mind sharing what God has done for me.

I usually write what's on my mind here, and although I've been slacking on posting here like, I'm grateful for all of you. I love meeting new people and reading others blogs.

Anyways, that's it for right now. I have a few more updated/in-depth posts to share soon :)
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving break/day & all that jazz :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

[2] Alzheimer's Disease Awareness: Our Stories

I'm finally getting time to post my story dealing with a loved one who had Alzheimer's Disease. I've been meaning to post this last month, but work has me busy. Okay, onto the story.

As the details aren't clear, as time fades away...& well I was never really aware of what was really going on. I remember it started when I was in my Senior year in HS. I was told that my father was sick. I knew something was wrong with him before I was told he was sick. He was no longer at his OWN house that he had put so much time & effort in, & he was now living with my grandmother 4-6 miles away from his own.
[custom made bracelet I purchased through Kill Pink]
I remember visiting him every so often at my grandmothers. He would be sitting in a wheelchair as if he was spacing out. As soon as I would walk into the house, I would go directly to where he was & give him a hug...."Hi Di", that is what I called him every since I started talking. I didn't call him dad, I called him Di...aka Dad. He didn't say anything back.

I wasn't use to seeing him like this. Lifeless. And then one of his arms would shake. I knew he wasn't well.  I would sit there & just admire him, not thinking his days were numbered. I didn't know what was wrong with him, what he had or anything. That's how off my family was. ANYWAYS!

Weeks later...I remember...it was like a week or days before my prom (2004). And we know after prom comes the big grad party (Disneyland for us Cali folks), then graduation. I guess my mom got a phone call stating that I should come see him because he wasn't doing good. I could SEE he wasn't. He was nothing but skin & bones. My father was never a husky man, but this person laying in this hospice bed was not my dad. My aunt left me to be with my dad. I remember till this day...I told him "Please hang in there, I'll be graduating soon, then off to college. I'll get my degree being a doctor & help you out...please!" I knew I never wanted to be a doctor, but the thought that MAYBE by me becoming one, him hearing me say this, I could save his life. He just laid there...lifeless than before. I didn't want to leave him, but I had no choice.

Now that I think about it, I'm a bit jealous that I wasn't one of the people that was able to be there with him before he passed. As bizarre as that may sounds. That's what I wish now that I'm thinking about it. But it happened the way God planned for it to be. He knew I couldn't handle that. 

Days after my father passed away, one of my aunts (My dads sister) told me he had Alzheimer's Disease. I didn't know what that was at the time. I just knew it had taken my everything, the grandfather of my unborn children away from me. The man who would have bought my first car, put these "knuckle heads" (guys)as he would say, in their place. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Update [17] 2011 Hair Challenge-What My Hair Likes

I'm super duper excited to report what my hair likes. It's been a struggle for 9mos. with transitioning in the begging of this hair journey, to the big chop, to this hair challenge and being on my P's & Q's. I'm finally being rewarded with quit a few things. One being that my hair is actually working WITH me not AGAINST me!

I want to try to make this short as possible but specific as I can for me to be able to reflect back on later. As far as the different products/items I've noticed my hair loves are the following:

-Water is number 1

-grapeseed oil
-Coconut oil

Herbal Essence- Hello Hydration, the Strengthening one
Shea Moisture 
VO5 Milk Moisture- for detangling 
Creme of Nature Shampoo-Conditioner

Mixed Silk leave in conditioner

-Mixed Silk leave in conditioner

Aussie leave in conditioner
APHogee: balancing moisturizer & leave in conditioner

Deep condtioning with:
ACV: Apple Cider Vinegar rinse (every 2 weeks)

We should really pay attention to what our hair likes the most, and not what's popular or what so-&-so is using. What does YOUR hair like/love?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm super irritated right now. I don't even know what to say. I tend to feel a certain type of way when I do something & the outcome doesn't turn out the way that I hope it would...But when someone else does it "Oh" it's official....people flock. I guess I shall evaluate what it is that's wrong on my end. Do a trial & error.

It just gets annoying when you give, or produce something & it doesn't shine or your expectations fail. I'm continuously going out of my way to help others, taking on projects, giving advice etc. Maybe I need to slow down, think & take care of ASHLEY.

As easy as that was to SAY...or better yet type, that's not in MY nature. I am an Aquarius, i love helping others. But whatever...I'm over it. People can look over me, exclude me, but no matter what I'm going to shine with or without anyone's help. God has my back & I could careless about the rest.

I'm tired, I'm tired!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thank You....

I posted this video on my beauty blog GlamNoLabelz a few months ago..

In heavy rotation now :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sally Beauty Supply: October Mini Haul

So0oo this will be quick & to the point....
As some of you may know, I shop at Sally's Beauty Supply every month
Anywho I got these items for a lower place than the usual...
1 because I have a rewards card, 2 a few of the items that I purchased were on sale (Pink items with the Komen Cure tag).

Bigen Hair Color: $6.48 *Normally 6.99 I believe*
Hawaiian Silky detangler: $4.49 *Normally more than $5*

The hair color (In oriental black) is permanent, & in powder form. All you do is add water & that's it. NO AMMONIA (Which isn't good for us), NO HYDROGEN PEROXIDE required.
I plan on coloring my hair once my 6 months hair challenge is over :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Alheimer's Disease Awareness: Our Stories

I'm still looking for a few other individuals who wouldn't mind sharing what it was like having a loved one with Alzheimer's Disease....
You can read the 1st story posted HERE
I will be posting my story soon...

Update [16] 2011 Hair Challenge-Lets Get This Straight

So it may seem like this is my second time straightening my hair, when in fact this is my  3rd time during this Hair Challenge...
[above are the tools i typically use when straightening my hair]

Why am I straightening my hair so much?
Because I'm trying to loosen my curl pattern. I kid you NOT! My hair is so difficult to detangle...so this process will help, plus I don't wear my hair naturally curly. So, it won't hurt nor harm the hair styles I wear.
Am I worried about heat damaged? 

But I don't plan on using heat on my hair THAT often. Once I straighten my hair for the week, I don't go back & flat iron it again.

-Wash/Detangle/Condition my hair
-Oil scalp
-apply a little of the Argan Oil
-Then the TRESemme heat tamer spray
-Blow Dry

Conair PRO Infiniti
-Flat iron

My hair challenge will be over next week :)
I hope this process doesn't hinder my healthy hair :-/

Update [15] 2011 Hair Challenge-My Curl Pattern

This picture was taken about a month ago...I just thought I show a glimpse of what my hair pattern looks like. It's not a very good picture.

FYI. this was hair that I detangled after having my hair in plat braids...I have tight, coily, curls..more bitter than sweet for me.

You can also check out my past post: Share Your Hair Type where I talk a little about the texture of my hair...etc.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[1] Alheimer's Disease Awareness: Our Stories

So I mentioned that the first series (Which you can check out HERE) of this...project I suppose was going to be from a close friend of mine. Below is her story....

It was a cold spring of 1999 when my grandfather marched his last battles with Alzheimer Disease. Along with age and other health conditions, he recieved help from love ones such as my grandmother in the warmeth of his Texas home, then in the squares of a convalescent home and finally retired Earth at Levelland Medical Center. 
I still remember his wandering eyes as if they were those of a child the same age as I was. And the continuous tears of my mother, his only daughter whom he constantly referred to as his already deceased sister...
  Momma would cry all day and seek comfort in her mother. She'd repeat herself "My daddy doesn't know who I am.. Why has he forgotten me"... Soon after praying for healing and restoration, our family realized that my grandfather had already left us, spiritually. We're just holding on to his shell. That's how it seems most of the time when someone you love has Alzheimer Disease. It feels like each day snatches a piece of them away from you.. That's why its so important to learn more about the disease such as early detection, treatment and even coping tips.


I REALLY appreciate her sharing her story with me & you all. I can relate to her mother...& I'm sure others can as well. It's really hard to describe. But I'll try my best to share my story...details.

Random: A Woman...Is AMAZING

Being a woman...you have to show that you're better than the NORM...
You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't...
They want to make US feel like we're the issue...
We're difficult to understand....we're NOT human.
How so? When we're the ones birthing YOU.
What does that make YOU?

I'm sure your mom didn't raise a fool...
Yet you act like one...
You let go what is yours & get heated when you shouldn't have ever let it go.

They look at US like we're crazy?
Because we bleed for a few days? Or maybe even a whole week (SEVEN AWESOME DAYS)
Or maybe because we fight for what is right!?
Or because we fight for what we love...people we care about?
We work ourselves to death...losing ourselves, attached to someone ELSE along the way?

We cater to our dreams & aspirations...
But yet we're labeled stuck up...prissy
ALRIGHT, I'll take that.
Because why?
I'll let my work speak for itself...

My voice, a pen & paper wouldn't be able to tell you what we're capable of...
At the end of the day we leave you amazed...
& you'll never let her know how great of a woman she is...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Raising Awareness: What's Your Story-Alzheimer's Disease

Hey Folks!
Dre AKA So She Writes (My blogging buddy) blogged about showing love & support for different causes that cater to those that might be/have suffered from a disease, illness...

I did a blog post on my beauty blog GlamNoLabelz for NOTD: Alzherimer's Awareness Month Go Purple (Which was last month). Anywho, me & Dre share quit a few things in common, and one of those being that we've lost our fathers from a confusing, selfish, cold hearted disease.

I'm putting together a small segment here (Which will be more personal) where bloggers who have felt the raft from this disease. Whether it was your father, mother, aunt, uncle, grandmother, friend, etc. I would love to hear your story. I'm asking those that are willing to participate to:
1. Let me know you're interested in this. Simply leave a comment below or email me.
2. Make a blog post about your experience. You don't have to go into deep details if you don't want to. 
3. Post the blog post on your blog. If you don't have a blog, you could email me your story with your name or if you would rather to remain anonymous.
4. Once you've posted your story into a blog post, please let me know. Via twitter, comment here, or email. I want to check these out!
[My Nails]
The whole point of this is to raise awareness, come together, & support one another. The first story that I will be posting here soon is from my close friend. The 2nd story should be from me...Stay strong :)

Update [14] 2011 Hair Challenge- Have I Fallen Off?

Okay, if you've been following me & my hair journey here, you maybe wondering where has the updates on my 6 months hair challenge been? Well I've been semi busy with work & projects, and when I do have a little time to update I'm lazy. I'm still going strong though! I'm still on the road to healthier, & which seems to be curlyer (Nope, not a word) hair. 

I was suppose to have BEEN posted a blog post about the different products that my hair loves!!! Haven't even gotten around to posting it. Shame on me right? Yes, I know. I'm really going to try my best to push out as many helpful, updated blog posts about my hair before this challenge ends.

Speaking of....I am currently in my 5th month which means next month I will be done (Nov. 6th). If you're into natural hair, check out my challenge/journey (links will be below). No I haven't posted pictures of my hair here. I was undecided, and as you can probably tell, I won't be really doing that. But I do have a picture or two of how curly/coil my hair is. It's stupid hard to detangle. I really don't see a point in detangling my hair because it just curls back in the position it was in...so defeated -_-

Links: to my hair journey:
Update [1] 2011 Hair Challenge-Brief

Share Your Hair Type: Simplicity

The BC (Big Chop)

Update [2] 2011 Hair Challenge-Concoction: Mint Spritz

10 months Being Natural

Update [3] 2011 Hair Challenge-Going On Two Months

Homemade Deep Conditioner [2]

Update [4] 2011 Hair Challenge- Products I'm Using

Update [5] 2011 Hair Challenge- June Hair Regime

Update [6] 2011 Hair Challenge- Length Check & Time To Get Straight

Homemade Deep Conditioner [3]

Update [7] 2011 Hair Challenge- Getting Back On Track

Update [8] 2011 Hair Challenge- Protective Hair Styles

Update [9] 2011 Hair Challenge-Protein Treatment

Update [10] 2011 Hair Challenge-Frizz Go AWAY!

1 Year Being Natural....Woot Woot!!!

Update [11] 2011 Hair Challenge-August Hair Regime

Update [12] 2011 Hair Challenge-The Benefits Of A Good Deep Cond.

Update [13] 2011 Hair Challenge-A New Way To DC

Homemade Deep Conditioner [4]

Homemade Deep Conditioner [5]

Thanks for the encouraging words, & comments regarding my natural hair posts :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is It Friday Yet?

This week was just too good to be true. Something had to happen to mess up this wonderful flow that was going on. Work today was rough...that's all I'm going to say. I just think many people take others for granted. 

Anyways...My twitter family already knows this news. I attended a job fair last week, put in a application. The store manager talked to me for awhile, she seemed to like my personality. I liked hers. She wasn't the stereotypical manager. Anywho...this week I was hired at Juicy Couture :)
Super excited! Can't wait to see where this goes. So yes, I will be working two jobs. 

I'm tired, annoyed & have some logging, journaling, & blogging to do. I don't know if all of that will get done TONIGHT, but we'll see.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Homemade Deep Conditioner [5]

LOL. Yes, I'm back with another...I can't help it!!! I'm a mixologist & my hair loves me for doing these deep conditioners.  Anywho, I did a review on the coconut oil I used in this concoction HERE on my beauty blog GlamNoLabelz. I know a few were anticipating this. You can check out my last Update post where I've combined all of the homemade DC posts I've done HERE

Now for the recipe of my Avocado Deep Conditioner:
EVOO, Tropical Traditions CoConut, Grape seed oil, Proclaim natural 7 oil, honey & a Avocado

The Coconut oil in it's liquid stages

This is what the Avocado looks like after I scraped all of the inside out...

This is what it looks like as I'm blending it in the blender
(The best way to get it smooth & where you're able to apply it to your hair)

[bad photo...sorry]
This is what it looks like after its been blended to my liking....

I just applied it to my hair like you would with any other store bought deep conditioner. I ran my fingers through my hair & massage it into my hair as well to really get it throughout my hair...
Apply a plastic shower cap on & work around the house or chill.

2-3 hours later I washed it out with cool water (Probably for 5mins).
Results: It really made my hair feel refreshing. My curls were extra tight *bitter-sweet*, but most importantly it felt great!

Mentoring Young Girls: Do You Give Back?

So yes, I'm a step closer to making what was an idea Spring 2011, a step in January 2011, & currently a process. My friend/ex-roomie from college are working hard to spread the word about MY Girls (Mentoring Young Girls Program). We're hoping to become a nonprofit very soon. So keep us in your prayers for that. We'll be having our 1st Holiday Drive in December & we're super excitied about that!

The mentoring program is for girls in my area Southern Cali/I.E. ages 11-18. We offer 1-on-1 mentor, Big sister-little sister mentoring, Tutoring, workshops, college prep workshops...etc. Check out the website & LIKE us on facebook. Even if you're not in our area/state. You may can help with something later down the line.

This is my baby...something I've been dreaming about awhile now...when I was in college, but heavy on the brain Spring 2011 when I went to go speak at my Alma mater (HS) AVID class. The  power of giving back, having our youth look up to you & to have a positive outlet to be themselves & get the help they may need is an AWESOME feeling.

There's so many ways you can give back in your community; donate clothes to a church (Clothes closet), tutor, volunteer at a school, become a mentor, feed the homeless. I could go on. I've found my purpose & spreading the word, & taking action by helping others. You can too!

I also would like to thank Kimberly over at FWB for designing our layout for MY Girls. She did a FAB job. Hit her up if you ever need a banner, button, layout etc :)

Thank you! Hello! And All That Jazz...

Although it's been a week since my last...random blog post "What Bothers Me About Breast Cancer Awareness Month". I feel like it's been a month!

What have I been up to? Work, getting my mentoring program together (MY Girls), work, & blogging over on my beauty blog. I haven't had much to report about other than my protein diet that I did for a few weeks.

I'm still doing the hair challenge, I'm still happy, & still praising His name. Life is so so so so much better than a few months back. It's crazy. I mean those months seemed like 6 long, depressing months!

On a better note, I've noticed throughout the last few weeks I've gained quit a few followers. HIIIII, thank you for following me. For whatever reason, I'm glad you're here. I hope you can take something from my blog & use it in a positive way :)

I just wanted to get this post OUT THERE & properly say hello to everyone & thank you for the love & follows. I'll be checking you new people out if you have a blog that's under your profile.

I plan to talk more about my hair journey, official update on ME...my life. More so for me, & share a few projects I've been working on. I hope those that find the different things I will post, find it interesting & will support them, if not, that's quit alright :)

Have a blessed day everyone...will be posting soon!

Monday, October 3, 2011

What's Bothering Me About Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Okay, I have to make this post quick...I'm getting ready for work. But this has been on mind for a week now. As some of you know I'm on Twitter. A few days before October approached I noticed quit a few females started to change their avatars (Profile picture). To what you asked? Them either in a bra or pink bra. If you've been living under a ROCK, PINK is the signature color for Breast Cancer Awareness (Not just the month).

Okay....Next, I've noticed many different iPhone users (Guys & Girls) Retweeting: Support Breast Cancer Awareness month...Or RT if you support Breast Cancer Awareness Month & followed by pink ribbons.

I hate the fact that people are using tweets to get more followers/recognition because of something so POPULAR & devastating that changes millions lives & twisting it into something that it's not.
This also goes for SOME of the females that are posting themselves in a bra (Usually you can't see their face just their chest) and sexualizing something so serious. It bothers me.

Not too long ago I saw this tweet AGAIN. So I asked people on my timeline (On Twitter). "What are you doing to support  breast cancer awareness? Besides RTing tweets? Are you actually educating others? Are you donating your time & $$?" Of course I haven't gotten a response...yet. Then I said "Some people follow because it's whats happening NOW. You can support BCA year round. Just saying"

Is the Communication Scholar in me coming out & I'm just over analyzing this? I'm sure I'm not...Someone out there has to feel me. Let me know your thoughts? I take things like this seriously...I know way too many people that have passed away from cancer/Breast Cancer so maybe this is just a sensitive subject for me...idk. Chime in!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 1 of The Protein Diet..Results?

So below is what I ate for the first few days...just so you could get an idea on what I was eating...I then later stopped documenting my meals. I got lazy.

Breakfast- 1 1/2 french toast (all bad), scrambled egg, potatoes (smh) & coffee
Lunch-Nectarine, 1 slice of turkey meat, half of slice of cheese
Snack- chips & water
Dinner- Salsbury steak & green beans
Breakfast- 2 small pancakes, sausage, an egg & coffee
Lunch- 1 slice of turkey meat, half of slice of cheese
Snack- Doritos
Dinner- Baked french onion chicken, & green beans

Breakfast- Plum
Lunch- Cereal, & left over bake french onion chicken
Snack- Pumpkin pie squares, & a donuts hole ( I forgot that donuts is bread which equals carbs galore :(
Dinner- Salsbury steak & corn

I did my best to stay away from the carbs-starches, sweets & things of that nature...

I weighed myself today 9/20 & I lost 5 pounds!!! BOO-YAH! My workout was just doing what I do at work with the kiddies. So, my aunt was right...I have noticed a little difference in how my underwear fit. And this is something I've noticed when I was on my fitness challenge in Jan. woot!
I plan on sticking this out & uping my protein intake because I have been slacking this week & I have been eating way more fruits & the same amount of veggies :)
I'll be getting my gym membership next month...I always accomplish my goals that I set. Majority of them aren't easy, but not impossible.....

So set some goals, & execute them folks :) you can do itttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!

Random: Oh Boy. You're REACHING!

Ugh, I'm annoyed...I find myself being the sweet Aquarius that I am & give people a chance... Oh how I'm a fool...If I go out of my way to speak...chile...especially from a long day at work...feel FANTASTIC, because I could be using my energy elsewhere.

BOY you're reaching AKA doing the most...Okay I'm done...
I'm not mad, nor will this mess with my attitude. I'm cool....on you.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday Service Words From Kiah...

So the lovely Kiah from From The Rez To The City blogged about her Sunday outfit she wore to church and what the pastor preached about for that sermon. I love the positive words Kiah shares with others, and I thought I share what she said here...Mainly for myself but I'm sure someone else could get something out of it :)

Check her out....

"Today my pastor spoke on how FAITH can overcomes obstacles. If we believe then we will work for it and we will speak the things that are not as though they are. We need to stop focusing on the negative and start focusing on the positive. Death and life are in the power of your tongue. No matter what your situation, we are over comers by the blood of the lamb! God has the power to change your situation. You may be sick but God is a healer! You may be broke but God is a provider! Put your FAITH in God!"

Thank you Kiah :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

5 Things-That Got Me Through The Week!

So the lovely Kimberly over at Femmes With Benefits[FWB] did a post on 7 things that got her through the week...
I'll be sharing 5 things that got me through the week....

1. God) There was some unnecessary drama I got sucked into via Facebook 0_o "Where they do that at?" It was so childish. How an innocent comment went south. Lol. I can laugh about it now, because at the time I was really upset just how it ALL played out. God got me through it & a few close friends. But I owe it to Him because he has allowed me to move on from the situation. It takes a lot for me to move from certain things..whether it was a touchy, sensitive, angry subject.
2. Medicine) Omg, I think my kids at work got me sick this week. I seen it ALL playing out in my head Monday when one of the kids at my job kept sneezing, then one girl who had been absent because she was sick, was coughing. I had to remind them to cover there mouths. And chileeeee. My allergies started acting up, The next day I got a sore throat, and now I'm coughing. All it takes is for me to have one thing wrong (earache, sore throat, allergies) before everything in my body goes CRAZY & triggers my Asthma....man "That sh*t cray" ::in my Kanye West voice:: lol

3. Packages) I've been waiting on 4 different packages that I either won from giveaways ( weeks, months ago) & a order I made on the E.L.F. website during their Labor Day free shipping deal. I'll be talking about that stuff on my beauty website www.glamnolabelz.com

4. Candy) Chileeeee, I'm on this protein diet (If you haven't read about it, check it out HERE) & I didn't know how hard this mess would be. But, I can say that it has been a great challenge. I'll be posting my views on it later. And I know candy isn't any better because of ALL the sugar we consume...

5. Music) Other than God, who is first before anything else. Music really truly gets me through a lot. I mean..it's universal and we can all relate to it in some sort of way. I had to play a few Kanye, Jay Z, Rihanna & The Weeknd's songs to get me going or through this week.

Sigh, very fun post! Be my guest on posting your 5 things that got you through the week. This was fun. I may do this every so often. My life isn't that eventful so making it a routine wouldn't work lol...