Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thinking of A Master Plan

I have so many ideas & thoughts about different things I want to see in my community & my life. Things regarding my career, nonprofit, relationships, how I spend my free time & things of that nature.

There's a lot of change I would like to see throughout my life. And the best way to see the change you want to see is to be the change you want to see. Why be a hypocrite and not do your part but expect greatness when you're not producing or better yet, projecting greatness?

It all goes hand-in-hand. So, I'm in the works of many different projects, being the change I want to see. It gets overwhelming at times for me, but I have yet to give up. It's something that I'm dedicated to, therefore I will finish it. One reason why I love setting GOALS for myself. 

Speaking of, I need to add more to my list. I find that my vision board that I put together HERE is helpful, but not the PUSH I was looking/hoping for. I'm more of a hands on type of gal. Let me type out my goals, edit, re-read them on my laptop. That's my thing. But that's just me.

I'll be back to post my blog post challenge!

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