Sunday, February 13, 2011

Old Post: What Do Relationship Titles Mean To You?


I was listening to the Jia&Brook show and also checked out Jia's personal blog about this topic. And I think this is a great topic to discuss. Many women that I know want the title when being in a relationship and like it. Some people think titles aren't necessary as long as both people know where they stand. Everyone is different, but there should be a couple things that are taken in consideration.

In my opinion: I feel that titles give a better understanding what the relationship is & will better assist both parties, and give boundaries for OUTSIDERS. But if there aren't any titles, it's just essential that both people know what they want so things are clear, and then decide if you both feel the need to have or NOT have titles.

I'm interested in knowing what you all think before I go any further.
Comments from the post

7 GlamDolls say:

Beautifully Educated said...
I'm against titles. Titles put too many expectations on people. I was once with someone with no title and once the title did present itself the relationship changed and it wasn't for the better. I believe that as long as both parties know what they're getting themselves into and they discuss what they want out of the relationship with no title everything will be smooth. Right now I am in a no title relationship and we talked about what the expectations are and we even talked about OUTSIDERS. Both parties need to be clear and understanding and not be afraid to ask questions. Communication is key!!! At the beginning I said at the moment, because I'm not ready for anything serious. I'm focused on my education and my money but I do get lonely lol. Once I have everything in order in my life then the title will be necessary. My motto is don't ask for no title you are not ready to uphold. If you know upfront that you don't have the time, energy, or capabilities to be in a relationship don't do it, to yourself or the other person.
Ashley said...
Do you think because there weren't titles in the beginning and later down the line titles were included & that changed everything? Almost like throwing the relationship for a loop? I think it's more so a mental thing. And I do think those who aren't in a serious relationship use the "No title" route more than those in serious relationships. I can relate to that.
Beautifully Educated said...
Yes, of course it changed everything.It is definitely a mental thing and it truly has to do with what both parties define as a relationship and what the expectations are. People talk about it but when it happens other things happen. Then men start thinking their girlfriends are their wives and some more stuff. They forget that each title has a different meaning and unless the communication is there tragedy will strike. And no lie even if the communication is there some men and women don't know how to compromise or just don't want to. Yes of course, because if your in a serious relationship you know that. Both parties have already defined the expectations. And those with "No Titles" aren't ready for that serious relationship.
Ashley said...
Not only does the meaning behind these titles make a difference, but I think what each party does in the relationship (going to back to "men start thinking their girlfriends are their wives") has a lot to do with the meaning of titles. Can females really get mad at the guy when she continues to do different things that "wives" only do? If people knew their duties/tasks when being in that relationship (whether there's a title or not)no one would expect or be mislead ya know? But then some of us are use to doing certain things even if everything all on the table. As I get older, and maybe from this discussion, titles and labels at times tend to make things a little complicated at times (For numerous reasons) the social norms & expectations to these titles. I don't want anyone expecting something more than what I choose to give. But then again, that goes back to communication. Many people lack that. We tend to run to our friends, family, and not talk about things face-to-face regarding our wants, needs, to our S/O. My main concern for titles is helping set boundaries for those in serious relationships.
makeupdeal said...
Titles meaning "gf", "wife", etc?
Ashley said...
Beautifully Educated said...
i just thought about a bomb song...its called No Definitions by speaks on what you're talkin about

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