Sunday, February 13, 2011

Old Post: Falling In Love Again


Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and realized how much you truly care about them? \The type of love that will make you say "I will cross the ocean for you" care (ok maybe Monica was exaggerating in that song LoL but you get the idea right?). But have you ever fell in love with the same person more than once?

You’re probably thinking, what? What are you talking about? Is that possible? Yes it is. And what I mean by this is when you get those butterflies that you gotten however long ago all over again. I fell in love two years ago. And two and a half years later I’ve found myself falling in love with my boyfriend all over again!
So you’re probably thinking “GlamChic how did you know you were falling in love with him?” Like I stated before the butterfly feeling and also the things that we’ve overcome in our relationship. The growth within our relationship has made that possible. I cherish that. As much as I hate going through the bad times, you benefit from it in the ending. If you haven’t given up and you’ve defeated every obstacle that came your way, congratulations.

Relationships are hard. No one said it would be easy what so ever. But my advice for couples out there, and I will always preach this is “Communication”. Really, its common sense but we find ourselves lacking it unfortunately. Your boyfriend should be your best friend. You should be able to approach him with no problem. This could be difficult and a challenge for some. It was for me. I wasn’t the type of person that was open and talkative right off back. It took time. And that can be a challenge for your boyfriend as well. I know it was for mine. But he has patience that I adore and he didn’t point out my flaw(s) and judge me. He simply told me that I could trust him, and he wants me to be able to come to him about any & anything.

And if there are any males reading this, it’s important to have patience with us. How we work and our emotions let alone can take control of a lot in what we do. So talk to her. Let her feel secured enough where you’ve open the door to let her and she knows she can be open with you. It’s a two way street.

And when I say “open relationship” I mean it in a sense of communication. And if you two aren’t quit there for whatever reason, take a step back and change things. Especially, if you’re in a healthy relationship, and you see this relationship going somewhere. Your relationship is not doomed. There is no right way to do anything.
I hope this was helpful and get you to thinking about certain things.
Have I fell in love with him more than once?


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Communication is key to every relationship. when you lack communication, you just end up making assumptions and hurting each other so stupidly, i've seen it, i've lived it... no matter how much you love the other person if there is no communication it just wont work.. it so tough for some people though :/

  2. Yup, we live & learn. As simple it is to communicate it seems like the biggest struggle.


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