Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Thankful in the Midst of Suffering...

The Bible encourages us to always be thankful. That's easy when God answers prayer  & delivers us from problems. But it isn't always easy when things go wrong. So how can we remain thankful in the midst of suffering?

We have TWO choices to make. The first is to praise God in spite of what's going on in our lives, Or another way to say that is, in the midst of our troubles & hardships, we can rejoice over the things that are not wrong in our lives.

The second choice is to ask, "God what can I learn from this? What do You want to teach me through this so that may be closer to You & rejoice more fully in Your goodness?" Those are not easy questions, & the answers are often hard to hear.

Sometimes we can only grasp the important lessons in our lives when we go through difficult times. Thank God that the hard times will lead you to better things.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Juicing | An Addition to My Diet...

If you know me, you know that I love trying to maintain being fit, being spiritually connected with God, and living a healthier lifestyle.

I was reading Kimberly's blog where she did a post on how she's preparing for a full body detox & cleanse HERE

I did a fast a few months ago. I wanted to share details, but when fasting (spiritual reasons) it's not something to share with others. Although I had a partner who I did this fast with, she's my link AKA accountability partner. I didn't do as well as I wanted to when it came to lasting the full time we had planned. But I did get a lot of it spiritually & that's something I plan on doing again real soon.

There's nothing like being obedient and feeling the presence of God. Just yearning for his love, prayer, meditating & His help is amazing. I did a lot of praying. Prayer is everything to me. 

Anyways, this post is in regards to me adding juicing to my diet. I just recently purchased the Nutri-Bullet from Target online & I plan on sharing my journey, likes, dislikes, recipes, favorite recipes, etc. 

I won't be doing a juice fast until my body gets use to me juicing on a regular. I'll give my body 21 days worth of goodness added to my diet. 21 straight days of juicing will be well worth it for me....


-reduce risk of cancer
-boost your immune system
-helps remove toxins from your body
-aid digestion (something I need)
-lose weight

I'm not doing this to lose weight. Because the weight you lose from juicing/fasting will only be gained by when you end the fast/juicing process. You have to really know how to keep off the weight you lost & that's difficult. I'm doing it for eternal reasons. 

I've been feeling tired, sluggish & that's not the biz at all. I know some of it has to do with some of the foods I continue to eat, and I can't do much about that right now, but when I can, it'll ALL fall in place for me :)
I can SAY that my portions & calorie counting has gotten better, so that is a plus!

When will you start juicing?

Dec. 5th, 2012 till Dec. 25th

Have any of you incorporated juicing to your diet? It seems like one of the most popular things to do. Also, have any of you done a cleanse? Share away....

Joyce Meyer: The True Test of Spiritual Maturity

We are to have genuine, pure, fervent love for others above everything else we do. If we can manage only one thing in our lives, it should be to love other people.

Many people think great faith is the number one sign of spiritual maturity. But I believe that walking in love is the true test of spiritual maturity, & I know that it energizes our faith walk.

The Bible teaches that faith works through love. Galatians 5:6 says that what really counts is "faith activated & energized & expressed & working through love." Love is not talk or theory; it's action.

Trying to walk in faith without love is like having a flashlight with no battery. We must keep our love battery charged at all times, otherwise our faith will not work! I believe Christians can run into problems when we do  not diligently pursue walking in love as a vital part of our faith & relationship with God.

So pursue a life of love, & watch your faith strengthen & grow. When God's love comes first, everything else follows.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Walk With Christ: Romans 12:1

Romans 12: 1-2
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers & sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy & pleasing to God --this is your true & proper worship.
2 Do not conform to the patter of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test & approve what God's will is --his good, pleasing & perfect will.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Joyce Meyer: You Must Develop Patience

When you & I say to God, "Change me," we better know what we're saying because we are not just going to wake up different the next morning. Instead, what God is going to do is give us an opportunity, through opposition, to grow as we change.

James 1 tells us how important it is to have patience when we're changing & facing opposition. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit that only develops & grows under trial, & it's something we need. Scripture tells us that when we have it, we're perfect & entire, lacking nothing. However, there's just no way to get it without going through something to receive it.

If we really want to be victorious Christians who serve God & make a difference in the world, then we are going to have to go through some challenging things. The devil will try to scare you off, but God can see you through any challenge.

So today, choose to let God work through you, even in the face of opposition. As your patience grows & develops, you will step into a life of great victory.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Prevent Breast Cancer By Eating Certain Veggies...

I don't know how true this is, but it doesn't help to eat your veggies...
I say do your research, ask your doctor & live a healthier lifestyle :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Pursue a Life of Holiness

I think we need to be a little more careful than we are with how we live. Not that we have to be so careful that we live in fear, but careful in a godly way.

Because if we're not careful about who our friends are, what television programs & movies we watch, what kind of books we read, what kind of music we listen to, how we spend our money, & what we do with our time, we could end up living wasted lives.

As Christians, we must pursue holiness & realize that we are sanctified, which means we are set apart for God's use. In fact, the minute we accept Christ as our Savior, we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit & set apart for a God-given purpose, And if we're not fulfilling our purpose, we're going to feel empty & frustrated.

I urge you today to pursue your purpose of holiness. When faced with tricky decisions, ask God what to do & choose the path of holiness that He has laid out for you.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Like Nuts??? Top 5 Nuts For Nutrition....

Tis the season to add nuts in your meals....
Welp if you're like me & don't eat nuts year around, this is the season to start.
Different nuts are in season, they go good in salads, as well as desserts.
Let's not act as if we've stopped eating sweets all together lol.
I know I haven't.
Anywho, for me, I like to eat nuts solo.
Have any recipes that you can use these nuts in?
Share away!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bands Will Make Her Dance...

These are the ONLY bands that should make YOU dance for YOUR man ladies...
Don't let these songs or boys trick you into giving the cookies...
We don't want soul ties with randoms...
Lock them down until marriage...
Just a little encouragement for my single ladies...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Joyce Meyer: The Key to Possessing Your Promised Land

God wants to lead you into your promised land...after all, you have been recreated in Christ, born anew, that you might live the good life that God prearranged for you. But to follow God into that life, He will have to prepare you first, & that means some things will need to change.

Now, don't be afraid of the word change; it just means that you stop doing some things you've been doing & start doing some things you haven't been doing. For example, stop thinking negative thoughts & start thinking positively, stop settling in your comfort zone & step out the boat, stop procrastinating & start taking the opportunities that arise.

It's not enough to just read about & talk about the Promised Land. Decide that you are going to possess your promised land. God is good; He will lead you there. Just be willing to follow & accept the positive changes that God wants to bring to your life as He prepares you to be a blessing to others. 

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Walk With Christ: Pinky Promise...

Although I haven't been intimate in years.
I have made the decision & made a promise to God that I would not be intimate  (physically & emotionally) with anyone until marriage & until God has put on my heart that I'm ready.
My friend ordered myself & her a Cross Ring last month from Heather Lindsey's Pinky Promise store...
The symbol & purpose of the ring (although with or without the ring, the promise I've made to God is real)..
My Pinky Promise
"My promise is to always honor Christ with my body. Whether I'm single or married. I am content with my portion & I always keep my eyes on Christ. I refuse to get into unhealthy emotional or physical relationships. He wants my Heart & HE has it."
Meditate on Romans 12:1 daily

You can purchase your own HERE for $7

Heather also debut the new Sterling Silver Pinky Promise ring

Check us out...The Pinky Promise Movement: 
Awesome group ladies over there...Teen girls you can also join as well. I've been a part of the group for a month or so it!
There are many different groups to join
-Group meet ups (whatever area you live in)
-Praise & Worship

The Best Cardio to Burn Fat....


If you're on Instagram you can follow:
For fitness tips, inspiration, & more...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Keep Going: God Has The Last Say

When you find yourself not wanting more out of life, listen to your conscience. It's there for a reason.

I think sometimes we stay in situations longer than we should because we're comfortable. So comfortable to where we don't want to do the work, or to see how we can make our next move our best move. Have a better plan. Make life more enjoyable.

I've grown tired to certain things in my life. And I remember feeling like this the beginning of January (off & on). Although I can say that I have been making some changes to move in a different direction, it's just the process is so slow.

I say all this to say, don't get to comfortable. Don't grow to like your situation. But be content & patient with God. If you don't like it, get out of it and do something about it. We have a choice, and whether we do something about it or not is totally up to us.

But I refuse to settle. I refuse to not live my life purpose. I refuse to be unhappy. I refuse to allow my emotions to get the best of me. I refuse to let others THINK they have the last say on decisions they THINK are in their hands. My GOD is an awesome GOD! He always has the last say. So the job I think I may never get is in the hands of the Lord. That is my new outlook on things. I believe & have faith it will ALL work out.

I don't allow things of the word to take control of what is not theirs from jump anymore. I praise God for all He has done & doing in my life. One closed door just means I need to keep going. If it's something you really want, keep going for it. Don't allow others to hold the key to your happiness & what you want out of life. Not even your mother, daddy, grandma, etc....

Reminder: Giving...

Luke 6: 38 says "Give, & you will receive. Your gift will return in full pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, & poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."

Keep that in mind everyone...Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Joyce Meyer: You Can't Out-Give God

Some put money or the world's system of commerce before God. But the Bible states in Revelation 18 that if we put our trust in money, it's going to fail. I've found that the way to deal with money, instead of struggling with it, is to try & out-give God...because we can't.

The more we give away, the more we'll receive. The more we obey Him with our finances, the more He blesses us. The more we do for other people, the more God has other do for us. 

Society tells us to invest everything in the world's system & work all the time to make more money. But if we do, we'll really never have anything that matters, especially joy. And we won't be able to enjoy the money we have because we won't be using it God's way.

It may not make sense according to the world's system, but God doesn't want you to simply make money & hoard it away. God says that by giving away, you will have more in the end. I challenge you to increase your generosity today. Trust me, you can't out-give God.

The part about giving reminds me of one of my recent posts: Make Room For The New check that out!

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Joyce Meyer: He Holds It All Together

Colossians 1:17 is a pretty awesome scripture. It tells us Jesus is holding EVERYTHING together. Wow! Even people who don't realize this are held together by Him.

Think about it. We can't have a good marriage if Jesus isn't holding it together. If Jesus isn't leading & guiding our personal relationships, then we aren't going to have good ones. Our finances would be a mess without Jesus. Our minds & emotions would be a wreck without Him. Everything would be a mess without Jesus.

If Jesus is not the most important thing in our life, then we need to rearrange our priorities. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek God & His kingdom first because if we don't have first things first, then everything else will also be out of order & cause us problems. God's way of being, doing & seeking His kingdom, is to find out how He wants things done- how to treat people, how to act in situations, how to spend money, what kind of attitude to have, & what kind of entertainment He approves of.

Start today by giving Him first place in your life. He's holding you together...He created You to follow Him. Put Him first in your life.

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Friday, November 9, 2012

Make Room For The New...

What girl doesn't like new clothes? When I clean out my closet, new clothes show up.

In order to make room for new things in our lives we must get rid of the old. In order to kick a bad habit you must replace whatever that habit is with something new. You can't take away & not fill that void. Makes sense?

So, my goal is to make room for the blessings!

Although it's right on time, I'm NOT doing this because a new year is approaching shortly, but because it's time. I don't believe in new year's resolutions but goals.

I wanted to share this with you all, just in case some of you may have been thinking about doing something similar. Well here is your PUSH now GO!

God wants US to be givers. At times or many times, we need to give things we want to hold on to, but don't need in order to make room for something better.

Maybe you want to keep that jacket you bought 7 years ago, and you're telling yourself "I'll wear it one day" but you've yet to have put it on. Give that away to someone in need. Find someone who will appreciate it. Seek the needy & provide. We are here as GOD's children to help one another out.

I hope this has inspired you all to do your part. Whether big or small. But remember "Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" -Matthew 6:3

I live by that scripture.... God bless

[Photo above] My friend, a young girl who came out to our prom workshop the beginning of this year & myself :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Joyce Meyer: More Than Conquerors

God gives us dreams for the future, but sometimes those dreams can seem impossible. That's when fear starts to set in.
If you are determined to never give up on your dream, then you have to take chances, you have to be courageous. And you need to understand that courage is not the absence of fear; it is pressing forward when you feel afraid. SO when you face situations that threaten or intimidate you, you do not need to pray as much for the fear to go away as for boldness & courage so you can move ahead in spite of the fear.

The spirit of fear will always try to keep you from going forward. The enemy has used fear for centuries to try to stop people, & he is not going to change his strategy now. But you can defeat fear, because you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves us.

I want to encourage you to be determined to face fear when it comes against you. Stand firm, trusting God & knowing He is always with you.  -Joyce Meyer

***You can find this devotional plan, along with others from the YouVerison Bible app under Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

What Some of My Sunday Co-Wash Days Consist of...

I've found that shampooing my hair often is a no no. When I started this natural hair journey, I thought this was something I needed to do. I mean it seems logic. Who wants dirty hair? But, for some (like myself) your natural oils are better than dry, brittle hair

Sunday's hair day: Wanted to showcase items I typically use on my hair every week on my wash aka Co-wash days.

-Applied VO5 Milk Moistures conditioner + oil mix (EVOO, coconut oil, grapeseed oil which is pictured below).
-Allowed that to stay on my hair for an hour & detangle my hair
-Washed it out
-Conditioned & detangled AGAIN with TRESemme moisture rich

photo: left-to-right mixed oils, Organic Root Stimulator Hair May & Restortative Mask

-Protein treatment: with Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo (left it in my hair for a few hours then washed it out).
-Applied the One n' Only Argan Oil Restorative Mask to my hair & let sit for 10mins.
-Hot oil treatment with my oil mix (pictured above) + JBCO (Jamaican Black Castor Oil). Sat under my dryer for an hour.

-Applied the ApHogee ProVitamin Leave in Conditioner
-The applied the Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil hair lotion

Question: What are some products you use when you CoWash your hair?