Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Walk With Christ: Pinky Promise...

Although I haven't been intimate in years.
I have made the decision & made a promise to God that I would not be intimate  (physically & emotionally) with anyone until marriage & until God has put on my heart that I'm ready.
My friend ordered myself & her a Cross Ring last month from Heather Lindsey's Pinky Promise store...
The symbol & purpose of the ring (although with or without the ring, the promise I've made to God is real)..
My Pinky Promise
"My promise is to always honor Christ with my body. Whether I'm single or married. I am content with my portion & I always keep my eyes on Christ. I refuse to get into unhealthy emotional or physical relationships. He wants my Heart & HE has it."
Meditate on Romans 12:1 daily

You can purchase your own HERE for $7

Heather also debut the new Sterling Silver Pinky Promise ring

Check us out...The Pinky Promise Movement: 
Awesome group ladies over there...Teen girls you can also join as well. I've been a part of the group for a month or so it!
There are many different groups to join
-Group meet ups (whatever area you live in)
-Praise & Worship


  1. The "forever" ring is really cute! I'm going to have to check out her website! thanks for posting about it

  2. YAY!! I am also a Pinky PROMISE REP. in South Africa, How amazing is this movement!! Well done on this decision that you have made!!


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