Saturday, May 26, 2012

Battlefield of The Mind Devotional...

Much of our thinking is habitual. If we regularly think about God & good things, godly thoughts become natural. Thousands of thoughts flow through our minds every day. We may feel we have no control, but we do. Although we don't have to use any effort to think wrong thoughts, we have to use much effort to think good thoughts. As we begin to make changes, we will have to fight a battle.

Our mind is the battlefield, & Satan's primary way of initiating his evil plan for us is through our thoughts. If we feel we have no power over our thoughts, Satan will entrap & defeat us. Instead, we can determine to think in godly ways.

-Joyce Meyer

You can check out Joyce Meyer & her Bible plans on YouVersion via a smartphone app.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Battlefield of The Mind Devotional...

We can allow our thoughts to dwell on what we haven't done or how spiritual we ought to be after all these years in our Christian faith. If we focus on what we're not or what we haven't accomplished, we are allowing the devil to make advances on the battlefield of our minds.

"Don't quit. Don't give up." That's the message we need to hear. I think of Isaiah 43:1b-2: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you...; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, & through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you."
-Joyce Meyer

You can check out Joyce Meyer & her Bible plans on YouVersion via a smartphone app.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doing Wrong is Sin. Not Doing Right is Sin...

We tend to think that doing wrong is sin. But James tells us that sin is also not doing right. (These two kinds of sin are sometimes called sins of commission & sin of omission.) It is sin to lie; it can also be a sin to know the truth & not tell it. It is a sin to speak evil of someone; it is also a sin to avoid him or her when you know he or she needs your friendship. We should be willing to help as the Holy Spirit guides us. If God has directed you to do a kind act, to render a service, or to restore a relationship, do it. You Will experience a renewed & refreshing vitality to your Christian faith.

- Joyce Meyer

When I read this from my YouVersion app, I had to share this...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Think Before You Speak...Tame Your Tongue

What you say & what you don' say are both important. Proper speech is not only saying the right words at the right time, but it is also controlling your desire to say what you shouldn't 

Examples of an untamed tongue including gossiping, putting others down, bragging, manipulating, false teaching, exaggerating, complaining, flattering, and lying. Before you speak, ask: "Is what I want to say true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?"

I think we all can learn from this. I'm sure we've wither bragged, complained & other things that weren't Godly. We need to be mindful of what we say. Not to impress others, but show others that we are honest & can be trustworthy. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Increase Your Thankfulness...

Thankful people can worship wholeheartedly. Gratitude opens our hearts to God's peace and enables us to put on love. Discontented people constantly calculate what's wrong with their lot in life. 
To increase your thankfulness, take an inventory of all you have (including your relationships, memories, abilities, and family, as well as material possessions). 
Use the inventory for prayers of gratitude. On Sunday, before worship, quit rushing around; instead, take time to reflect on reasons for thanks. Declare Sunday as your "thanks, faith, & hope" day. Celebrate God's goodness to you, and ask in prayer for all your needs for the week ahead.

You can check out Joyce Meyer & her Bible plans on YouVersion via a smartphone app.

Monday, May 21, 2012

What Do YOU Do To Help The Poor?

I took this excerpt from one of the plans I was reading from the YouVersion app on my iPhone.

The need for believers to care for the poor is a constant theme in Scripture. But often we do nothing, caught up in meeting our own needs and desires. Perhaps we don't see enough poverty to remember the needs of the poor. The world is filled with poor people, here and in other countries. What can you do to help?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Power In Prayer....

As I've been doing my own bible study with myself, praying, fasting, & things like that...I find myself writing (pen & paper) to God. I like to write. Just for no reason at all sometimes. At times, it's about how I feel, goals, personal notes from church etc.

But I've been more consistent in writing to the Lord. I write my prayers down as if I was really talking to Him through prayer. And it works! There is no right or wrong way to pray. I've learned that.

I've been inspired to do more writing because I'm teaching myself. I may have graduated from college Dec. 2010 but I'll forever be open to learning new things. I have so many things that I want to do in life, it gets me excited! 

Anyways, the book from the tab of My Book Shelf on this blog, I added the book Write It Down Make It Happen to the list. I've been wanting to read it since Jan. I purchased it in Feb & read it every so often & finally finished it. A powerful book. I won't give it all away. I may talk more about it in another post, but it has really inspired me, and has brought me closer to Christ & believing in my goals. I've never left His side, but my relationship is stronger than ever.

As you may have noticed, I've been posting scriptures, quotes, pieces from bible plans that I have read throughout the week. That's just where I am in my life right now. I'm still into my natural hair, and other just hasn't been my main focus to blog about. But I will be sharing my fitness regimen, new products I've been using (fitness related, & hair products).

Thank you to those that continue to check out my blog.

& thank you to those that have stopped by for the first time & have followed me. I'm returning comments :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Life Application...

Daily Reading

I got this from a plan I was reading a month ago from the app You Version...

Have you ever grown tired of praying for something or someone? Paul says we should "devote" ourselves to prayer and be "alert" in prayer. Our persistence is an expression of our faith that God answers our prayers. Faith shouldn't die if the answers come slowly, for the delay may be God's way of working his will in our lives. When you feel tired of praying, know that God is present, always listening, always answering-maybe not in ways you had hoped, but in ways that he knows are best.

A great reminder typing this out...Keep praying & stand firm in your faith.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Life Application...You're Directed To Do 5 Things...

As the Corinthians awaited Paul's next visit, they were directed to (1) be on their guard against spiritual dangers, (2) stand firm in the faith, (3) behave courageously, (4) be strong, and (5) do everything with kindness and in love. Today, as we wait for the return of Christ. we should follow the same instructions.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

From the YouVersion app on iPhone.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Surrender & Seek...

Surround yourself with a variety of people. Carefully select those who have the skills or talents that you do not possess. Seek the people who have the same spirit of excellence that you have or aspire to develop.

Ultimately, ask God to raise up people who are problem solvers, character builders, need fulfillers and answers to prayers in your life.

As you enlist helpers for your vision, remember that you are also a helper in someone else's journey.

Numbers 11:10-17
Psalms 20:2

Surrender to selective as to who you hang with.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Return To That Goal, Dream or Vision...

In your life journey, there will be setbacks and possibly even failures. There will certainly be situations that you did not plan for. There were many attempts to the moon before the first successful manned mission of Apollo 11. Do not be influenced or discouraged by your previous failed attempts. The God who has given you the vision will give you victory.

If you have done something wrong that has the potential to jeopardize your mission, repent today. Lay it at the foot of the cross in the presence of God.

Make a decision not to repeat your past mistake. View failure as a learning opportunity rather than a destination or life sentence.

Persistence and determination are two essential ingredients to a successful space mission.

Return to that abandoned goal, dream or vision that is essential to your arrival on the moon. Face it, overcome it and conquer your Ai.

Joshua 7:1-6
Joshua 8:1

No one is perfect...we are humans. Do NOT beat yourself up about past failures. That's life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Your Part Is NOT Insignificant...

The word of God spread like ripples on a pond where, from a single center, each wave touches the next, spreading wider and farther. The gospel still spreads this way today. You don't have to change the world single-handedly-it is enough just to be part of the wave, touching those around you, who in turn will touch others until all have felt the movement. Don't ever feel that your part is insignificant or unimportant.

Acts 6:7

Simple reminder to do what is built in me: Mentoring Young Girls

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Give What Is His...

None of these Christians felt that what they had was their own, and so they were able to give and share, eliminating poverty among them. They would not let a brother or sister suffer when others had plenty. How do you feel about your possessions? We should adopt the attitude that everything we have comes from God, and we are only sharing what is already his.

Acts 4:32