Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Power In Prayer....

As I've been doing my own bible study with myself, praying, fasting, & things like that...I find myself writing (pen & paper) to God. I like to write. Just for no reason at all sometimes. At times, it's about how I feel, goals, personal notes from church etc.

But I've been more consistent in writing to the Lord. I write my prayers down as if I was really talking to Him through prayer. And it works! There is no right or wrong way to pray. I've learned that.

I've been inspired to do more writing because I'm teaching myself. I may have graduated from college Dec. 2010 but I'll forever be open to learning new things. I have so many things that I want to do in life, it gets me excited! 

Anyways, the book from the tab of My Book Shelf on this blog, I added the book Write It Down Make It Happen to the list. I've been wanting to read it since Jan. I purchased it in Feb & read it every so often & finally finished it. A powerful book. I won't give it all away. I may talk more about it in another post, but it has really inspired me, and has brought me closer to Christ & believing in my goals. I've never left His side, but my relationship is stronger than ever.

As you may have noticed, I've been posting scriptures, quotes, pieces from bible plans that I have read throughout the week. That's just where I am in my life right now. I'm still into my natural hair, and other just hasn't been my main focus to blog about. But I will be sharing my fitness regimen, new products I've been using (fitness related, & hair products).

Thank you to those that continue to check out my blog.

& thank you to those that have stopped by for the first time & have followed me. I'm returning comments :)


  1. hey girly!
    Interested in reading about your fitness and hair products!! :)

  2. Loved reading this, it's always super encouraging to read about people's relationship with thier Lord. GO ASHLEY!!!

    Love, Cindy from South Africa


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