Friday, February 24, 2012

Natural Hair: Heat Training

As some of you may know, I've been on my natural hair journey for a year & two months now. I started out not knowing what to really expect during my transition, and eager to see how my natural texture was. Welp, after transition for a few months, I did a BC (big chop) on my hair in May 2011, and my hair has grown out a lot since then. I didn't think it would happen. Dealing with short hair is NOT my thing. I am a natural chick aiming for LONG healthy hair.

You maybe thinking..."healthy hair & heat training? That doesn't go together" Well it does, just like colored treated hair. I know of quit a few natural hair ladies that have big, beautiful healthy natural COLORED treated hair. I don't see anything different with them & ladies that heat train their hair. Just like ladies who relax their hair. Some of them have LONG healthy hair. Whatever works for you boo!

Won't that mess with your natural curl.kinky pattern? Yes. I have really, CURLY, coarse, & kinky hair (click link for photo). I love the results I am getting from being natural (thickness, growth), plus it allows me to be more hands on with my hair & take care of it how the way that I should have been when I was in school (college), and when I was younger (high school) & didn't know any better. That's beside the point.

The way that I will be heat training my hair is by using a blow dryer & flat iron or blow dryer & pressing comb. How often, new regimen is MUCH needed for this new change. I'll more than likely go into MORE details in another post.

Why are you heat training your hair? Because it's really difficult to detangle my hair now that my curl pattern has made it's way into my life a year & some months now. I don't ever plan on wearing my natural curl pattern & if I do, I rather let them be loose then tight. My hair has really bad skrinkage that I hate. People say embrace every part of being natural but I don't like it & I will NOT embrace that part about it. That's just how I feel. There's no right or wrong way. It's my hair right?

-Next few posts I plan on speaking on the Bigen permanent hair color I applied in my hair Nov 2011 *Once my healthy hair challenge was over*
-Products I've been using lately
-Length check *photos :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Work Out Update: Operation Get BACK In Shape!

Yesssss, I'm back. I thought I update my blog discussing my journey. I've been keeping track in my journal for when I work out & what I eat the days I work out, & also for how long etc. 

So far I've lost 6lbs, but I'm sure I've gained that back because I stopped working out for 2wks. Week 1 I was lazy, the 2nd week the cycle came, so0o0o0 yea ladies you know during that time you don't feel like doing much. Especially if you get major cramps like myself.

I started this journey Jan. 2nd, and I've been weighing in once a month. The first month I weighed myself twice. So now, I plan on weighing in on the 25th of each month. It gives me time to lose some of the uncontrollable water body weight & go HARD!

Like I said, I've loss 6lbs, and plan on losing more. 
Changes: I've cut back on some of the fatty foods...keyword cut back. You don't necessarily have to take away your favorite foods, portions and moderation is key.
-I've been eating Subway a lot more. That means less of other foods I was eating. Eating more veggies, a tad bit more water. I've always drank water. & also taking my vitamins (B12 & MultiVites gummies)! Those have been helpful.

Work out plan: I've been running for 20+ minutes nonstop on the days I don't work out with Jillian. I rather do something then nothing at all. I do feel/see the results when using Jillians DVD. I'm also trying to up my time when running. Monday (yesterday) I ran for 20mins, today as you can see the time/picture above, I ran for 25mins.

It's better to start off slow, and not psych yourself out or set yourself up for failure.

That's about it!
Although I've had setbacks, I don't allow that to stop me. This is not some popular resolution for me, it's a goal leading into a healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What My Week Consisted of...

I just finished my taxes on my OWN via this software 
I bought last year from Dollar Tree :)

Jessica Simpsons Heels that I seen in Ross
I love the color, but I'm not a fan of the heel :-/

Kiss Lashes at Dollar Tree
I wanted to purchase them BUT
I have lashes I have now that I have yet to use

I am in LOVE with their cookies
& their Cheddar Broccoli soup

The February Photo A Day Challenge
Many people has jumped on this challenge via Instagram (App)

I've also started my job search again...ready to move on up to more advanced things
& closer to my career.
I'll be using for my job hunt
Any other useful sites you think I should check out?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Time To Reflect....2011/2012 Goals

This post was intended on being posted before 2012 came around...It was left in my draft's....No bueno.

So I was reading my blogger friends Rose from Rosedale's post regarding a bucket list. She basically refocused on a few things she wants to get done before we approach the new year & what she's already done. I thought it be great to reflect back on some of my goals.

-Starting my career: Although I was pushing & still am, for a full time job, I'm thankful for the position I have now. Especially the organization I work for. They are awesome & it'll look great on my resume :)
I'm would love to start doing something that I have passion for & can't live a day without.

-Get my mentoring program going: Mentoring Young Girls is somewhat official. More official than what it was in January 2011 when I started it all by myself. We're currently working on workshops, a giveaway for young girls on our Facebook (if any small businesses would like to help/donate please email us at We're also looking forward to having a mother daughter event as well.

-God: I've had more time to think & made more time to connect with Him. Although I'm not as close I want to be, I'm working at it :)

-Moving: I've been talking about moving out of state ever since I was in college & more so lately. I'm ready for a different atmosphere. I love Cali but I wouldn't mind being in another state. I always thought I would be living in ATL...but the wind has blown me in a new direction. I'll share that once it's official. 

-Scholarship: In June I raised money for a scholarship I started under my programs name (MY Girls aka Mentoring Young Girls) for the AVID students at my alma mater (HS).

-Business: I've been looking into branching off & starting my own business in something fashion related. I've always wanted to own my own business since Middle School, so I may just pursue that very soon.