Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thankful Week: The Little things...

I got this idea from a blogger by the name of Erin over at Sweetness Itself. I saw someone "like" one of her photos on Instagram & checked it out. She shared what she was thankful for by snapping a photo of her notebook. I thought that was cool. 

My handwriting isn't the best so I'll be typing what I'm thankful for this week via here my blog....

-I'm thankful for my mother still being around
-Having awesome co-workers
-Being able to walk on my own
-Not being severely ill & in the hospital
-Having a car to get me where I need to go
-Being blessed in order to be a blessing to others
-Having testimonies to share with others
-Being able to read
-A roof over my head
-Great support system
-For God loving ME as I am
-HIM never giving up on me
-My strength

What is it you're thankful for? Share away or link me to your post...


  1. Love this post!!!
    I'm thankful for...
    My hubby being there for me and so supportive.
    My Mom who is an amazing woman.
    My church family, I need them to keep me grounded.
    The use of all my limbs
    My two doggies that keep me playful
    To God for allowing me to be here at this time. It's a blessing!!!!


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