Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Walk With Christ...Renewed!

Although I've made big steps toward my relationship with God in the past month & some weeks. I can say I don't miss the old me. The old me worried a lot, super tired, depended on others at times, wasn't fully happy, always put others before herself, ashamed & the list goes on.

I am now at peace & loving every step with the Lord. I'm not saying I'm HOLY, but I do take my relationship & walk with God seriously. I now have a better support system, better outlook on my life, & awesome goals.

I just feel so much better about life. I've literally mailed off baggage that was holding me down & back. I felt like I had unfinished business when it came to certain people in my life that I just needed to let go. It was so hard, but it was needed. What made me realize this part of my life was a singles fellowship I attended that my church family had the beginning of this month. It made revaulate my life, the things I let guys get away with, and how available I made myself to others. We just need to NOT be so available sometimes. Get busy!

Well I'm busy alright. With work, reading my Bible & plans, weekly meetings with my friend which we hold one another accountable for certain things, bible study, morning Sunday service, daily reading (leisure).

The way I have gotten through my weeks, and had a change in things is by me:
Repenting, adjusting, minimazie noise, maximize prayer, sit in silence & listen to God.


  1. The more your life begins to change, so will your surroundings and the people in it. I commend you for putting God and self first.

    Sincerely Daja

  2. awesome post! love "minimize noise, maximize prayer" have you read your best life begins each morning? its a pretty good daily devotional

    1. Thank you. No I don't think I have. I'll have to check that out. Thank you for mentioning it.

  3. Ashley this is so encouraging to read. I can totally relate because the old me before I started a relationship with God was so emotionally off, always comparing myself to others, low self esteem and the list goes on. I attended a women's conference at my church one year and it started a change in me and and a healing process. I've never looked back. Thanks for sharing. xo

    1. Thank you Rachel. I'm glad it was encouraging. It's truly not an easy path but very rewarding :)


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