Saturday, June 16, 2012

Natural Hair: Let Me Try...The Curly Girl Method

So I decided to try something different. I'm all up for a challenge!!!
My reasoning behind starting the curly girl method is that I haven't been on top of things when it comes to my NATURAL hair.
I always wear protective styles. & with me being on break from work for awhile, I've decided to start this.
My hair is in need of moisture. I think that's the reason why my hair hasn't been growing as fast anymore.
I also am rough with my hair when detangling. I get frustrated & just brush away with my Denman brush.
I know it's not good. I do follow ALL of the "rules" when detangling except for the part where you need to take your time detangling. hair LOVES conditioners vs. shampoos 
So I said hey, this would probably work for me.
(& also force me to NOT purchase any new products that I don't need)
I'm a curly/kinky hair girl & I want to step my moisture game up & be more cautious with what I'm putting in & doing to my hair.
I'm staying away from silicone, & sulfate products.
So, below are a few videos of naturals who talk about the curly girl method & things...
Check it out for more details :)

If any of you are natural hair girls, how long have you been natural?
Are you currently doing any challenges?
What are some of your favor conditioners?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I loved this post! I currently am 8 months post relaxer & I currently have in Senegalese twists! I'm taking a break from all the co-washing and twisting of my natural hair but I am still transitioning! My goal is to transition for about a year and a half WITHOUT doing the BC. I enjoyed watching these YouTube videos. I even ended subscribing to her channel & checking out her blog! Her hair looks soooo healthy! I love it! Well anyways, I love your blog too & I enjoyed reading your natural hair journey posts. Hopefully one day I will be able to look back at mine & be able to say "Hey, I've come a long way". Let me get off my soap box, but great blog! Please keep it up miss! <3

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog. I appreciate it. I didn't know if people still read my natural hair posts lol. Yes, her hair looks really healthy. Something I need to get my hair into shape. Lol, thanks for the comment Simone :)


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