Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Joyce Meyer: Throwing Fear Outdoors


Many of us can probably remember when we were kids, if we said a bad word, our mama threaten to wash our mouth out with soap. Well, if "fear" is a dirty, four letter word, then faith in God's love is the soap!

I'm not talking about wimpy faith. I'm talking about a powerful faith in God's unconditional, unlimited, unwavering, perfect love for us.

First John 4:18 teaches that understanding God's love for us will deliver us from our fears. Now this doesn't mean we won't ever feel fear, but faith in God and His love will enable us to 'do it afraid' if we have to.

God wants you to know that He is with you. He will lead you and guide you, so you can put your confidence and faith in Him!

Remember, His love is perfect, even when we aren't. He isn't going to love us any more or less because of our mistakes. Isn't it good to know that God loves you right where YOU are? Doesn't that thought just kind of boost your faith and take your fear down a notch?

You and I are going to feel afraid now and then. When we do, we can get our focus back on God and know that He will lead us through any situation we face.

It's the perfect love of God, not perfect us, that casts out fear every single time.

You can check out Joyce Meyer & her Bible plans on YouVersion via a smartphone app.

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