Saturday, March 16, 2013

Working on My Fitness| My March Challenge-Goals

Hey folks!
I know it's been sometime now. I wanted to update my fitness progress and this month's goals. My goal weight is 150! Once I meet that goal, my main focus is to tone, tone, tone! When I first started my fitness journey in 2011 I was around 163-162. I am now at 157. My weight has been going UP & DOWN lately. I'm becoming quit annoyed so I've put certain goals in place in order to stay on track. I'll name a few below. All in all, 2013 is when I finally reached the 157 mark. During the end of 2011 and the end of 2012 I wasn't as consistent as I am today. It's been hard getting where I am today.
One major difference is how my clothes fit. They are super loose. I'm losing inches in my waist & thighs. That's the main important part of this. I can't get so caught up in what the scale says. Numbers matter when I'm doing measurements. 


March Goals: March 8th-March 30th

- 2-3 cups of green tea 
- raw veggies & fruits
-Juice or smoothies once a day
- workout 4-5days a week (the least 30mins)
- no gym days: 30min workout 
-plank everyday for 30 seconds
- a gallon of water
I can't wait to reap the rewards of being so consistent this month.
I have a few items/things in mind to reward myself...I'll share that in another post.

What are some of your fitness goals?
Have any healthy recipes you would like to share?
Comment below or email me to do a guest post <3

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thank You!!!!!

Hi Everyone! 

I've been gone, but still making time to post. Although I haven't really had time to post things related to me & what I'm up to etc. I've been busy. And it's been brought to my attention. There are times when I feel the need to step know a hiatus. That hasn't been the reason for my absence this time around.

I've just been busy with life. School, work, church, living within my purpose, fitness & living a better life that God has called on me to do.

I was so into blogging 2011-2012, then it died down. Why? Well there isn't much time to do everything I like to do. I lost a little interest in blogging. One reason being is why I switched over from posting about my natural hair, & product reviews. My blog now is more geared toward my walk with Christ and different devotionals that hit home to me, & hopping you all could get something from them.

All in all, I am thankful for those that take the time out to read my posts, let alone leave a comment. I use to receive emails saying when each person left a comment, that soon stopped :-/ I don't know why...
So that's something I have to look into. As I'm trying to be obedient to God and giving Him the time I need to. I will be in my bible more which will allow me to share what I'm reading.

So if anyone feels a certain way, I apologize. Especially those that have been with me for sometime now, or like I mentioned read my posts. I try to comment back & also check out your blog as well. Sometime I'm pressing for time. Being in grad school, and attending church services anywhere from 2-3 times a week and a demanding school load is rough.

So that's what's going on with me :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Walk With Christ: Persistence Wins in the End!

Luke 18:1 out of the NLT version sparked me to do this post. It states:
"One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always PRAY and never GIVE UP."

How many times have we given up on a dream or goal that God has planted within us or put something on our hearts to only walk away from it?
How often do we give up on God because we think our timing is better than His plan?
Everything that I'm speaking of is directed to myself as well.

What stuck out to me in Luke 18: 1-7 was that this widow was persistent even though she knew that this judge didn't care about the people, nor did he fear God!
Like really? 
Why would you even feel as though what you come to this judge, or he would hear you out about it? Or better yet, harm you?
Fear was something that didn't live within this woman. She was PERSISTENT!
She wanted justice! It also says "The judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, 'I don't fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I'm going to see that she gets justice  because she is wearing me out with her CONSTANT REQUEST!" Luke 18: 4,5
Key word: "for a while" therefore she kept coming back, and he finally gave in!

My message here is don't allow a situation, or the process to scare you from what awaits for YOU at the end. There will be times when things don't come easy & you will need to be persistent in doing what it is He has called you to do. But call on HIM!
You cannot have a testimony without a what? TEST!

"Then the Lord said, "Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don't you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day & night? - Luke 18: 6,7

I'm learning to be persistent in crying out to God about everything.
Seeking Him in all that I do!
Remember to keep going. He will always be by your side.
God bless <3

Joyce Meyer: You’re Not Built for Guilt

When I ask large audiences how many people spend their lives feeling guilty, my guess is that at least 80 percent of the people raise their hands. I was part of that 80 percent until I decided that I was not built for guilt, & I was not going to continue to allow a renegade feeling to rule my life.
I studied God’s Word about guilt & studied His character & nature until I was totally convinced that God is not the source of guilt.

I see guilt as an illegal invader that attacks our mind & conscience, attempting to prevent us from enjoying anything God has provided for us. Guilt has no legal right in our lives because Jesus has paid for our sins & misdeeds. If it is in us illegally, then we need to send it back where it came from, which is hell!

Refuse to let guilt steel your joy any longer. You must remember that you are not built for guilt. Deal with it aggressively anytime you experience it by receiving God’s love & grace.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Every Day Is a New Day

God wants us to have joy in the midst of our ordinary, everyday life, even on the worst days of our life.

There were times in my life when I dreaded facing each day. All I could think about was my circumstances, wondering how Dave & I were going to pay the bills or get everything done that we needed to do. Sometimes I wanted to pull the covers my head & just stay in bed.

I was so wrapped up in worry that I was missing the point: God had created a new day, & He created it so that I could enjoy it.

Every single day is filled with all kinds of situations that could upset you, things like losing your car keys or getting caught in a traffic jam. But you can choose to be at peace & control in the midst of them.

When you & I take our minds of ourselves & our circumstances & put our focus on God & loving others, we are embracing an attitude that will bring honor to Him & enable us to view every day as an exciting, new gift from God.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Dealing with Emotions While Grieving

People experiencing tragedy often go through stages of emotional expressions of sobbing & hysteria. These may come & go when least expected. Confusion, disorientation & fear are also common.

Depression & waves of overwhelming feelings are experienced by many. In times like these, I believe it’s wise to look at King David.

The Bible talks of how King David was feeling depressed but he resisted it. He didn’t sink into the pit of despair. He described how he felt, but he made a decision not to live by his feelings. He praised & trusted in God.

Most of us go through emotionally difficult times when tragic loss occurs. Those who are walking in faith come out of it, & they come out of it better than when they went in.

If you are hurting right now due to a loss in your life, I want to tell you that a new beginning is in front of you. Trust & praise God like David did. What Satan intends for your harm, God can turn around for your good!